In a Peaceful meadow

"Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life." I43:4

Yesterday was quite an interesting day for me.
It started out so so peaceful, just enjoying my Beloved Best Friend's presence, His peace!

My five year old and I went to the most beautiful river and built the biggest sand castle and enjoyed one another's company.

Then, we went home and proceeded to have another nerf war. So much fun. It is so amazing that my Love has enabled me to become a fun silly mom that I always wanted to be but didn't know how anymore!

Oh, and I've placed scripture in the bathroom, in my car and at the table and the kids always say, let's do the fruits of the spirit mommy! How precious!!

Also, the children have been praying that daddy would come spend time with us doing fun things. Well yesterday daddy came to pick them up and we all played nerf guns for so long and laughed so hard. It was very enjoyable.

This praise report is long, but it is all so precious.

I have had a trampoline sitting on my driveway for weeeeeks not set up. I have no tools, it was gifted to us (praise!!!) do I've been entrusting the situation to my Best Friend. He will send someone to help or to give me tools and show me how to do it.

Well yesterday my spouse asked if he could come and set it up for me. Haha my Beloved Best Friend is so good, He answered.

Oh, one more wonderful thing happened!

I was laying in bed rerunning a conversation we had concerned if I said the wrong thing or in the wrong way. So rather than worrying I asked my Beloved Best Friend!

What did he do?! He showed me a mental picture of me laying in a beautiful meadow on my back looking up at long grass blowing in the wind.

Haha πŸ˜‚ how precious. Oh what love is this that He LAVISHES upon us. This peace.

THEN yes there is more.

My Beloved Best Friend showed me why I have been having such peaceful days enjoying my children and those in my life so much more.

He showed me when I looked at my son. The Words. "He's Precious "

When I am looking at someone, the words " He/she is precious " come to my mind!!!

Ineffable. My favorite word. Means too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. This is truly accurate πŸ™Œ

4 thoughts on “In a Peaceful meadow”

  1. Thank you, Rasa, so many times I had something break or go wrong at the house, and each time I gave it to my Beloved Lord, He came through be either sending somebody to help, or guiding me to fix it myself.

    I also asked my Beloved to help me to do more things with my children, just spending time together, and He always gives me ideas of things I can do with my children, whether it is jumping with them at an indoor trampoline park or doing nature trails with them. I love these moments that we can just be together and enjoy the special moments He provides to build memories.

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Rasa, how special that you are enjoying the time with your children. How precious what our Darling Lord showed you.

  3. Beautiful Race, many times I have imagined myself like this, lying in a field feeling His company. He is ‘Precious, and gives you time to enjoy your children. We have a wonderful Husband.

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