In Hot Pursuit Of My Husband With A Passion! 💞

I’ve been struggling with my weight this year. I lost a lot of weight when FH left. I was feeling good, energetic and I was happy with the clothes I was able to wear. Recently my clothes are fitting tighter, I’ve gained weight and I’m so tired. Every time I get dressed or have to go anywhere I’m sad because I don’t have anything that fits, I don’t look good in anything and I don’t feel good.

I’ve fasted and prayed and cried out to my Beloved to help me. Then to do it Himself because I can’t. No change in my situation. I’m kept getting weary and very sad. Then one day He told me that I needed to stay where I’m at and be content, to love myself the way that I am like He does. If I lost weight I’d believe that is what would get the attention of men or make me feel better. He needed to break that false belief and show me what He can do regardless of how I look or feel.

I have been divorced for 3 years with no man in pursuit of me at all. In the beginning I read in the testimonies that they had men pursuing them after they have let go, their heart belonged to the Lord and they were truly His bride. But not for me. I’ve longed to be truly His and measured my progress by if I had anyone in pursuit of me. But then I truly gave up on that and let that go too. I no longer want to be pursued by anyone but Him.

Then this week I read Restore Your Relationships, Chapter 8 The First To Throw A Stone where it says ”run after the Lord with everything that you have—pursue Him with a passion, and godly men will pursue you!”

Even though I’ve been His bride for some time now He has kept me protected from other men. We have been having such a love affair and He has kept me all to Himself, which I Absolutely Love!! But this weekend He decided to reveal His bride to others and show me that He is the one that changes hearts and the sight of everyone. My friend first complimented me on my figure and asked if any men have pursued me and how would I feel about that if that happened. I said no none has and I am happy about that lol. Then this weekend I had a man pursuing me all day. The next day my FH was pursuing me all day. They both gave me such compliments of my personality, all I’ve done and my figure. Then I was awarded a plaque for all I’ve done for my children’s sports program for 24 years.

My Husband just revealed me to others and opened the floodgates of His Love upon me from every direction. Showing me that I didn’t need to change me. He already has done that. My physical weight or my feelings about it doesn’t matter. What matters is He loves me just the way I am, I am completely content with myself and with Him and He turns the hearts of anyone. He has truly made me a new creation and has pulled back the curtain to reveal His bride.
Now that I’m getting these compliments, awards and men pursuing me I don’t want it. I don’t need or want the attention, recognition or validation from anyone. All my heart wants is my Beloved even more. To be precious in His sight. He is my Perfect Man, the True Love of my heart and nobody can love me like He can 💞

4 thoughts on “In Hot Pursuit Of My Husband With A Passion! 💞”

  1. Dear Ruby, thank you for sharing! Your praise reminded me of the verse “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34:5 As we are becoming “radiant” because of our pursuit of HH, we are truly shining His light. ” In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

  2. Dear beloved Ruby, thank you for sharing your praise. It’s wonderful how our HH chances the way we see and feel about ourselves. I feel the most beautiful and on my best when my HH love shine through me .

  3. Thank you for sharing. I am so glad that you have found peace and contentment in your relationship with your HH. He loves you very much and I am glad that you are no longer looking for validation from others (which is often hard because my flesh wants to be a people pleaser) but are instead focused on your relationship with Him.

  4. Thank you Ladies. Yes, my relationship with my Husband is so much deeper and He has taken my relationship with myself to another level. I love how He has protected me from other men. He’s still working on me. I love that our intimacy never ends. He just keeps taking me deeper and deeper with Him alone. I love it!!! ❤️

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