The SMALL DETAILS are ENORMOUS and what He makes happen!
It has happened that suddenly seemed that the doors are open and everything began to line up so that I can make the right decisions. What is in my heart I knew that it is the will of God, but when everything is about to happen it seems like something or someone gets in the way! Why does God allow it? But not only permits it but He makes it happen! Sometimes comes a question, is God playing with me?
Isaiah 45:6–7—“That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun that there is no one besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other, the One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the LORD who does all these.”
When I asked Him immediately came a story to my mind about Moses and the outcome of everything that happened in his life. But I also imagined for a moment that if I had not known what follows, I am sure that the whole story would have caused me a sense of frustration and despair. I don’t think I would even bother to see that God Himself was putting opposition in my way. As I read what I said it to convince Moses to do something that God then would cause to encumber!
Having a sense that God does not see what we see, His gaze goes far beyond time and much deeper into the heart. So I kept reading and found at any time evidence that he had decided to stop His plan or that it looked like He had lied to Moses—was simply allowing opposition and obstacles that had a perfect plan that went far beyond just freeing the Hebrews! He wanted them, in the process of liberation for His people and His enemies to show clearly God’s power! When you face obstacles your faith will increase, your convictions will be born within you heart and your eyes that were once covered in traditions, religion and routine will be wide open.
Amazing and unprecedented events that were written would not have been possible if there were not a hard-hearted pharaoh on the road Moses was asked to travel. The same with you and me. Nor would it have been possible without the perfect plan of God He was accomplishing. So all this made me think that even obstacles and stumbling, my beloved HH has control of. Everything works with a purpose, not only to fulfill His promises to me but He also wants that when we arrive we will have the right heart so that nothing will make us go back to the way we once were.
You can not expect to understand everything God does or how long the time it takes or the ways He chooses. I’m thinking if we really believe that we can understand the mind of God Almighty and infinitely wise, we are mistaken. If we believe that He will do what we expect, what we want and when we ask for it then we forget that—He is God! We can not talk back or reclaim our old ways of acting because His ways are always perfect and are always full of His perfect love for us! Before a plan unfolds, we do not understand our Beloved and our HH, yet, we must embrace what we do know for sure from Him who loves us. Our HH who is in control and that everything that He allows and what is happening does have an eternal and divine purpose, which must comply and be seen through our lives with the sole purpose of giving Him the glory He deserves.
Exodus 4:21 “And the Lord said unto Moses, When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have put in your hand; but I will harden his heart, he will not let the people go.”
Also from Tamar
Couple now taking Course Together
You are beautiful and wonderful. ONLY YOU GOD can make things that are difficult and impossible happen!
I love and am very grateful to my Beloved and HH because this week He gave me the opportunity to share the truth and the Word with a divorced man. The couple has been in dire conflicts so his wife, abandoned by her husband, but since now having the truth, it has been great to hear them saying they have many more doubts but they are already doing the couples course together! Dear friends, can you imagine how very rewarding this is for me? I feel that it is all I want and all I need to SERVE MY BELOVED HH. To allow Him to lead me. It is beautiful to feel His love and the company of my HH every time I speak into the lives of hurting people and much more when they agree to follow HIM as their only Savior and they stop worshiping and stop asking for answers from the world. As they tell me how well it has made them, brand new, coming to this place in their journey of wandering and the way it is explained in the RMI resources.
GOD BLESS THIS MINISTRY!!! Praise be to all the people who arrive who are encouraged to do the courses and fill out the daily journals (What I Learned from each lesson) that ultimately changes them!
Mark 16:15 “And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
It is a huge satisfaction to speak to the people of the plan of salvation of my beloved Lord and give them a proven path to take.
One more from Tamar
Praised and glorified be the Creator of heaven and earth who does as He pleases in the time He considers it.
This week has been a great blessing for my life and perhaps in the midst of the pain, I do not stop being blessed because on the one hand there are situations that God allows in which we must know how to take the lesson of life and correct what made us reach that situation, however, this week for me has gone from blessing to blessing!!!
I have been producing products to sell, pinatas and have not stopped selling many pieces, many pieces so that has allowed me to start employing other women. This makes me very happy to have the opportunity to bless other people economically and I have also been able to do other things that only God has allowed me to do— through what He has given me these last few days.
We receive from RMI and now in turn I love giving—yes, yes, yes— I love that I learned here at RMI not to stop giving even if it is something very small in quantity but give it with heart and with contentment. As a result, I am employing other women. Once homeless, this is what He has done by following this principle!
1 Peter 4-10 Each one according to the gift he has received, minister it to others, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.