♕ Today's Promise: "I say to the Lord, 'You are my Lord. There is no happiness for me without you.'" Psalm 16: 2
~ Anissa from Slovakia
Dear bride,
This chapter [The Love of My Life] will not disappoint you again, but will push you into the desire to have intimacy with our HH (Heavenly Husband). It is so important because with this kind of "love affair" with the Lord in marriage (which must develop before marriage), no woman would ever suffer! Never, you have someone within reach who will fulfill all your desires! Someone who pours over you so much with His love that you can turn the second cheek to your EH (earthly husband) even through a day and you won't feel the pain of rejection, self-pity or sadness.
I finally understood the difference between being a EH (earthly husband) wife and being His bride. I remember talking to my best friend in college, both singles at the time, and we imagined how wonderful it would be to meet our EH, with whom we can talk just as the two of us, about everything, all the secrets. and desires and we will laugh so well and live intimately together. Forgive me, my Lord, that I have lived in such delusion and so far from the truth. I understood that those "secrets of my heart" and desires must be told to the Lord, not to my EH (earthly husband), who often used my betrayed desires to hurt me through his failure to fulfill them. So much so, I would like to shout this profound truth and the difference between being someone's wife and being His bride to all the young girls who dream wrong because of fictional romantic movies, just like me and thus leave our FIRST love.
So much so, I sometimes have trouble accepting, not embracing the displeasure my EH (earthly husband) is showing me. I'd rather go away and dodge. But after reading this chapter, where Michele was able to give the most difficult things to accept the whole family debt and support her children's relationship with OW (other woman), I realize that my relationship with the Lord is still not enough and far from what Michele all gave to her EH. Praise the Lord on my journey, my EH (earthly husband) has not asked me for anything like this yet, but my other adversities can still throw me around and grieve me, which is not a good feature of a beloved bride.
I have to build intimacy with my Beloved and find time to develop it, without which I will simply not be able to love selflessly.
I long to teach this truth to my two daughters, very, very much. And also, live this principle so that I can pass this message on to other women in the area who need to know it. I have to live it, because when I just tell my acquaintances, I don't feel that they understand or want to understand it, so I want to live it and be His epistle to testify without talking about it.
Dear bride,
Please, if you are reading this, tell this to your daughter, granddaughter, friend, any woman, whether they do not live in delusion like me or maybe you too: It is much more important to be His bride than to be someone's wife, and also easier to be someone's wife, when you are His bride. Yes, even if you get married, you can be cared for at the same time, but the bride is in love with Him. And if you succeed, whether as a single or married, let me quote Michele's words directly from this chapter, "You will never need or want anything from someone else." Because what if there were millions in your account? Would you miss 10 dollars that someone didn't return? That's exactly like having all of the Lord! ” AMEN
"I say to the Lord, 'You are my Lord. There is no happiness for me without you.'" Psalm 16: 2
"I praise the Lord, who endowed me with wisdom; at night my heart invites me to do so. I always have the Lord before my eyes; and because it is to my right, I will not wallow. That is why my heart rejoices and my soul dances, and my body rests in hope. For thou shalt not leave my soul in the grave, neither shalt thou suffer thy saint to see corruption. You will show me the way of life. With you is full of joy, and to your right is eternal pleasure." Psalm 16: 7-11
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