It Was All Fake

♕ Today's Promise: "Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7

☊ PR Podcast Lianna

Hello there, After reading overcoming the hurdle of Facebook it simply came to me that the fact I’m doing good and not a total wreck is because once I found this website I completely chose to let go of Facebook.

I cannot simply understand but Facebook was really hurting me and once my earthly husband left me I had this plan of when he would ship out to train for the army I can go and look at his stuff but he’s been gone for 2 months now and I have chosen not to spy on him.

Why? I don’t want to hurt and I don’t want to get angry at him. I only want to see him with the eyes of how my Heavenly Husband sees him, that’s all.

My life is better now because I don’t have to pretend on social media how my life is better or my marriage. It was all fake. I’m glad that my Heavenly Husband has been my total strength because I’ve overcome Facebook and other social media and I don’t miss it one bit. It was an addiction for me whether I knew it or not but I can see it now clearly. Thank you Heavenly Husband for opening my eyes!

Sister in Christ our Heavenly Husband can help you let go of any addictions or fears/hurdles you may have because He simply is just waiting for you to ask and He will do it.

Let go! Let God! Be free and He will surely give you peace.

"Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7

~ Lianna in California
I’m a tithing​ partner. Learn more.

Get help to Hurdles over Your Fears with Testimonies!!

Read more Testimonies Spiritual Milestone #3: Fasting Facebook ★★★★★