It’s Not About Being Perfect, It’s About Being His!!

Recently I feel the enemy really fighting for my soul, because his time is short, he’s desperate. I also have failed lately when my heart is being tested. Usually I fall into a place of guilt and the enemy uses this to torment me. I usually have a very hard time forgiving myself and I feel that I’m not worthy of my Beloved Husband and I would avoid having that talk with him for a little while. I would hide myself like Adam and Eve did.

But this time is different! Something has definitely changed! I felt deep in my heart that I needed to run straight into the arms of my Beloved. I could not bare being away from Him or having anything that would cause some distance between us. I was confident in His forgiveness for me and I was willing to go through whatever I needed to to be in His arms. I usually suffer from so much shame when I fail but there was no shame, only conviction with overflowing forgiveness and unconditional love.

My Beloved keeps saying “YOU ARE MINE!” in a very strong voice that makes me feel safe, as He pulls me closer to Him, into His arms and he enemy stays crouched down on the floor empty handed. I realized today that my Beloved Husband is in a battle going on right now, for me, against the enemy! He claims me as His even though I failed the test.

But did I really fail though???

Failing the test really was meant to revealed my heart!! When I failed I didn’t hide and question or doubt my Beloved’s love and forgiveness for me. I ran to Him and my heart longed for Him even more than before. These sins did not bring upon me shame that the enemy can use against me but actually made my desire for Him grow even greater! And I was even more confident in His love and forgiveness for me. It’s the only thing I can count on that nothing and nobody can take away from me.

He always uses everything for our good. He has used my failures to reveal so much to me and to the enemy. What I thought was failing the testing of my heart actually revealed the true desires of my heart. My heart is only for Him even if I fail I belong to Him. There is nobody and nothing that can compare to My Beloved. I AM SO IN LOVE! I AM HIS AND HE IS MINE!!


Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!

Psalm 55:18 He redeems my soul in safety from the battle that I wage, for many are arrayed against me.

Psalm 23:1-6 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. …

I knew I was in waiting and He was working on something and I didn’t even know THIS is what He was working on.
Dearest Brides, He knows and sees what we don’t. So in the waiting just wait, be patient and let Him fight. He will reveal to us what He will, for our good and He will keep us protected from what we need to be protected from and He will reveal in the perfect way and time to us. He knows when we are ready and when we are not.

4 thoughts on “It’s Not About Being Perfect, It’s About Being His!!”

  1. Rubi. Eu tinha um problema enorme.
    Toda vez que eu fazia , alguma coisa de errado, aliás deixe corrigir, quando eu pecava eu fugia de Deus, porque eu não me sentia digna, isso me manteve muito tempo perdida na escuridão, porque eu não sabia mesmo o que fazer!

    Até que um dia, enquanto eu estava a ler sobre a última ceia do nosso Amor, eu percebi que quando Ele disse aos seus discípulos que um deles iria trai-lo, todos chegaram mais PERTO, isso despertou me para não fugir mais!

    Sempre que acontece alguma coisa, e eu sei que O magoei com as mi hás atitudes ou palavras, eu peço perdão e sempre digo a Ele, para me ensinar como não voltar a faze lo!

    Obrigada pelo seu relatório 🧡
    Ruby. I had a huge problem.
    Every time I did something wrong, in fact let me correct it, when I sinned I ran away from God, because I didn’t feel worthy, this kept me lost in the darkness for a long time, because I didn’t really know what to do!

    Until one day, while I was reading about the last supper of our Love, I realized that when He told His disciples that one of them would betray Him, they all came CLOSER, this woke me up to not run away anymore!

    Whenever something happens, and I know that I hurt Him with my actions or words, I ask for forgiveness and I always tell Him, to teach me how not to do it again!

    Thank you for your report 🧡

  2. Thank you.
    That is so encouraging I was just right now thinking about my failures and the failing of the test last week, I also felt so much guilt and shame, that made it harder to hear and understand Him. I was just sad.
    I definitely need to understand more about grace

  3. Dear Ruby thank you so much for sharing this beautiful reminder with us. Although we fall short in every way possible, He loves us so and being His is al that matters…

  4. Dear Ruby I love your praises. We all fail, but praise Him that we are His and we can try again. His mercies are new everyday and He will finish His work in us. We are His letters of how imperfect we are and How perfect and loving He is always ❤️♥️✨

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