Leaving a Legacy for my Daughters!

β€œTrain up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

I kept asking my Beloved for ideas to teach my children about His love and that He can become real for them. I didnΒ΄t have enough ideas because I am a first-generation Christian, which means that I am the only one in my family who truly has a relationship with our Beloved!

So I ask Him! And He led me to start thinking about what I want my daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to know and be after I am gone! This was huge because the little things I am doing for Him here at my home will impact my children forever! They are watching me living my abundant life with my Best Friend Forever: The Lord, every day and that is the legacy I want to leave them!

So I am praising Him and sharing the ideas He is leading me to do daily in my intentional mothering! The tips are meant to enhance my life and role as a Christian wife, mom, disciple of my children, homemaker, and friend.

My focus changed, to begin with the end in mind!

Here are the things I am doing with Him to mother my children for Him:

1. Cultivate Joy with His Word: We spent 1 hour at bedtime reading His word, discussing what we learned, asking for the highs of our days and the lows, and the dreams we want our Beloved to give to each of us! We love to dream with Him! My children love this part of the day so much! Also, we are learning small scripture each week to feed their minds! We have so many amazing resources to start:

2. Making Memories through His Creation: The Lord has created beauty all around us through nature, and because we live in the countryside and have banana, plantain, cilantro, and coffee plantations, we enjoy walks in the afternoon to pick fresh veggies and fruits for our meals. We discuss the blessing of eating natural food! We also go for car rides, we live in a little mountain pike, to enjoy the view and admire the rain falling, sunsets, and the cold wind blowing! These things helped my children to admire the Heavenly Father they have! The Bible says inΒ Psalm 19:1: β€œThe heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

3. Intentionality with Television: we created an environment in our homes where television watching could provide something positive for my daughters! Praise the Lord one of our dogs ate the remote control, so I am the one who decides what will they watch from YouTube per day! In the mornings we listen to Psalms, and devotionals, in the afternoon they watch videos of math, science, history, Spanish, geography, and art according to our schedule! At night we are studying the life of people who gave everything for the Lord through times! My daughters love the life of a woman of faith who helped the Jews during the Second World War! These things have impacted their lives!

4. Blessing Days: I used to be so busy all the time! Doing all kinds of work, house making, cooking, teaching, ministry, and sometimes I forgot to love my children! That was awful! Our beloved showed me my fault and after I confessed it, He led me to make each day matter! He has a rich, profound, joy-filled love for us. He commits each day to loving us in this way! We are so blessed! He wants us to extend it to our children as well! So I am doing it! I hugged them, kissed them, I let go of my police momΒ΄s attitude, and blessed them through His word, repeating to them how special they are to Him, about their identity in Him! I love my kids. I love them well. I spend time with them, and I tell them about the Lord every opportunity I have. To just love our children may seem very simple but it is so powerful! It is the little ways we love daily that really add up!
We have dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner, we cook together, sing aloud to their Father, read at loud good books, do crafts, and enjoy old movies together! Each day can be made into something special!

And there are more!! But today I just want to praise Him for showing me how to leave a legacy of Him to my children! A legacy that will change their lives forever and give them the anchors to remain in Him always!

Motherhood rocks!! We are shaping people for Him!


6 thoughts on “Leaving a Legacy for my Daughters!”

  1. Isabella,que hermosa manera de llevar el amor del SeΓ±or a tus hijas. Seran grandemente bendecidas. Y me enconta leer, e imaginar como ellas se van rodeando de Su amor y van amandolo , porque es una hermosa enseΓ±anza, y eso las va a preparar para ser Suyas. Que el SeΓ±or te siga dando sabiduria. Un abrazo,
    Isabella, what a beautiful way to bring the love of the Lord to your daughters. They will be greatly blessed. And I find myself reading and imagining how they surround themselves with His love and love Him, because it is a beautiful teaching, and that will prepare them to be His. May the Lord continue to give you wisdom. A hug,

    1. Thank you, my dear Liza, all glory to Him, who wants to be present in our families and generations!! We must see the biggest picture, impacting generations with our love and faithfulness to Him!

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Isabella, this is so beautiful and special. Yes yes motherhood really rocks! And thank you for this reminder that every day can be made into something special, wow.

    1. Yes, Janine, we have to have a haven in our homes, and everything we do as moms point them to Him, the Best Friend they will ever have!! We are now shaping the generations to come!

  3. Thank you, Isabella, I am also more intentional in loving my children, giving hugs and kisses, and sharing promises with them during the day as situations arise. Yes, we must leave a legacy to our children and show them a different way that what we saw when we grew up. He called us on this journey for a reason, not just for ourselves, but also for our children!

    1. So good!! By being intentional we are teaching our children the path they should go! And impacting their lives, and our future grand-kids as well!! Our prayers and efforts out live us!

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