Let Go of the Stubbornness

♕ Today's Promise: “So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.” Matthew 6:32

☊ PR Podcast Yvonne 

Dear Brides, even after you have known your Husband for so long we need to remind ourselves every day how we need Him for everything in our lives. And I am not just talking about the big problems but even the little things that needs doing. Trust Him and let go of all resistance to ask Him for help. Let us surrender to Him and we too will experience the miracles that is spoken of in this chapter 5, "Hopelessly in Need of Him".

This is so funny because even before I came to the part where it says: "The Lord helps those who help themselves" I was thinking of it.

I was visiting a friend of mine a few days ago and we spent most of the day just talking about the Lord. I am so grateful to have a friend like that:)

We spoke a bit about our finances and she reminded me of something that happened at the beginning of my restoration journey. The kids were still in Preschool and the payments were terribly behind because it was just a few months after my FH moved out.

She kept on asking me what I was going to do about it and although at times I was worried, I just kept saying, the Lord will take care of it! But what you have to realize is that even then I only went to Him as a last resort. And honestly, I believe if I went to Him first, the wait would not have been so long.

But in the end, He came through as He always does and up to this day I have not had to pay any school fees. This year when I got the email for the school fees that need to be paid this month because it is the beginning of a school year for us, the school fees together with the Deposit needs to be paid which amounts to a lot of money for 2 children and I could just be so thankful that it does not have to be my problem 🙂

But to come back to my friend, you know what she told me? She told me: "At the time I thought you were crazy, because God only helps those who help themselves, but the way He came through for you, I still tell everyone about that testimony and it has taught me how faith in Him can cause miracles to happen."

Even after I have seen His miracles time and time again, I still doubt Him sometimes in my finances and it is so true, I was just asking Him all the same questions. Is it because I am stubborn, am I so in automatic to fix my own problems that I have trouble depending on Him alone? Is it because I was disappointed by an EH, I then trusted with my whole heart that it is so difficult for me to totally surrender to Him at times? I am still not able to tell you the true reason, but He knows my heart much better then I could ever and maybe the verses He gave me just shows that I just need to let go of the stubbornness and go with Him 🙂 🙂

I would love to share a short testimony, so one day when I only had so much money but we needed some things in the house. I went to the store after dropping the children at school and I said, well Lord, You told me to not look at it this way but I am going to tell you the truth, I only have so much money in my wallet, this is what I see with my eyes, but what I believe is that You will take me shopping today and lead me to buy what is needed. When I walked into the door, on the right-hand side there were some items on special, three of the items I needed were there on special!!! Not only that but a while ago the store started handing out coupons that can be used at the beginning of the month and it just so happens that that was the first day of the coupons. So not only could I buy what was absolutely needed, I could even buy a few things we wanted 🙂 🙂 🙂

So many times through my own stubbornness, pride, it does not really matter what the reason is, because the outcome is the same, I try to fix my own problems. Then after I have let go and He works so miraculously like He always does, I just wonder why did I not let go first and realized how hopelessly I am in need of Him.

Pray with me: Oh my dearest Husband, please help me to know every day how hopelessly in need I am of You. How desperate I am without You and how I cannot put one foot in front of the other without You. I love You so much and I pray that You help me to go to You first in every situation instead of depending on others to assist me. I love you with all my heart!!! Amen.

Dear Brides, the beginning of this journey for you will be a most important one. It is a time you are in the desert and looking back on this time, it will be your time of so many miracles as You trust Him fully in every part of your life. This will be the time where a lot of your testimonies comes from, that you will use to encourage other women so go to Him with everything and realize just how much You need Him and see how He will make the path straight for you:)

Every new chapter I read gives me hope and faith. Just like reading Restored Marriage Testimonies gives me hope for any marriage, the book Poverty Mentality tells me that in all the facets of my life, my Heavenly Husband wants to bless me and He loves me so much that takes the time to do so. And what He has done for the author and for me, He wants to do for you as well!

“Know, then, it is not because of your righteousness that the LORD your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stubborn people” Deuteronomy 9:6.

A few months ago I got this verse from the Lord:

“I hear the Lord saying, “I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide. So don’t make it difficult; don’t be stubborn when I take you where you’ve not been before. Don’t make me tug you and pull you along. Just come with me!”” Psalms‬ ‭32:8-9‬ ‭TPT

It has been with me every day since then reminding me to not be stubborn. I just love the last part that says: "Don't make me tug you and pull you along. Just come with me!"

~ Yvonne in South Africa
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Poverty Mentality is available as an e-book in our bookstore!