Listening and obeying His sweet voice when calling me!!

β€œAnd to know this love that surpasses knowledgeβ€”that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.Β Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” E3:19-20

I want to praise my Beloved Lord for His calling on my life! My heart is full of gratitude because He led me here to RMI (Restore Ministries International) and teaching me unfathomable principles that I could not even imagine!

Today, while journaling about a lesson, I was led to remember the beginning of my journey, no longer with pain, but with a happy heart and full of gratitude for everything my Beloved Lord is doing in my life, and for each day I am building a relationship strong and lasting in His arms of Love, having more than 1000 reasons to thank Him, to praise Him!!

I couldn't end this day without coming here and praising Him for starting my journey as a student at RMIOU.

Going back a little, it was exactly 4 years ago, that I started my journey learning to have Him as 1st in my life through RMI and here I am, 4 years later listening and obeying His sweet voice when calling me😍, redirecting my steps to the paths of His blessings.

This is His plan for my life, to help many other women find the True love of their lives, just like I found Him. I can no longer resist, because I confess that I was being resistant (disobedient) not to complete my career here, the proposed work, by taking me to the desert for the restoration of my marriage, because that is the real reason why I arrived here, which is why I let myself be used by my Beloved to finally bring hope to so many women who are lost around us and I can't just want everything I found through my relationship with my Beloved Lord just for myself, that would be selfish on my part!

I say this because this is not the first time that I felt in my heart that I should sign up to become a student at RMIOU, I believe that I was not yet ready to obey His call. But, exactly in the month of May, on RMI's birthday, when I read the post on the day announcing that Erin was retiring, I heard Your sweet voice telling me that the determined time was approaching, I could no longer be busy with so many other jobs. and forgetting the main job I was being assigned to do, from the moment He brought me here, because RMI needs women like me to complete my calling and finally bring hope to so many women who needed His LoveπŸ’•

And today as I did my homework for the day, I heard His sweet voice again telling me: β€œyou were cut out and anointed for this work, not by yourself, but by Me”.

I want to thank my Beloved for so much and for everything, that it is not my will, but His will that prevail in my life, therefore, I want to declare again: Here I am, guide me, use me!

Dear brides, if like me you are feeling called to delve deeper into His Love, advance on your journey and become an RMIOU student! Our Beloved does not want us to be the supporting character, but the Protagonist of our salvation storiesπŸ™ŒπŸ˜

And based on this, I leave the following promises:

β€œMay you experience this love, even if it is too great to be fully understood. Then you will be filled with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. β€œAll glory be to God who, through his great power that acts within us, is capable of accomplishing infinitely more than we could ask or imagine.” E3:19-20

Be encouraged🌷

A big hug!!

12 thoughts on “Listening and obeying His sweet voice when calling me!!”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Elisabete. I too am so very grateful that our Darling Lord led me to RMI. I have been asking Him why it was not sooner, because what I am learning here is of such great value to me and I am so grateful, but our Darling Lord reminded me He knows best.
    Of course my Darling Lord has a sense of humor too because I have been saying a few years ago I am too old to learn and now every day I am learning something and our Darling Lord is probably smiling and saying yes you said so but I decided you are not too old to learn.

    1. Dear Janine, thank you very much for your message πŸ™πŸ½ Our beloved knows the set time for each thing in our lives!

  2. ‘Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” “Here I am; send me,” I answered. ‘
    Isaiah 6:8
    Elisabete, it is wonderful, this call that the Lord makes to us, and like you, I was also not sure at first, but Our Lord confirms His plan, and every day we learn and are blessed to be here, and to be a bridge for others to find what He has given us.
    May Our Beloved continue to give you wisdom and that desire to serve.

    1. Thank you so much dear Liza 😍 May our Beloved continue to use us as bridge builders for HimπŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸŒ·

  3. It’s wonderful to hear about your journey to RMI and how the principles have helped you grow closer to our Loving Lord. Your commitment to following His calling shows your love and devotion to Him. Continue to trust in His guidance and allow Him to use you to bring hope and restoration to others. πŸ’•

  4. Thank you dear Elisabete for sharing, I am also so grateful that my Beloved Lord led me to RMI, it really changed my life and changed me so much, for the better of course. If I look back, I cannot compare who I was with who I am now. My Beloved is just so amazing and it is truly amazing to embark on this journey with Him.

    1. Dear Adina, thank you very much for joining me in gratitude to our Beloved! He is incredible and does the supernatural in our lives, showing all his love and affection by restoring us every day! Thank you for your message πŸ˜™πŸŒ·

  5. Thank you for sharing. Journeys with the Lord is great, and beautiful, and He is always so amazingly patient with us.
    And a voice came from heaven: β€œYou are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” Mark 1:11

    1. Naomi dear, thank you for your message and for sharing this promise from our Beloved straight to our heart ❀️ May He continue to do infinitely more than we can imagine πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸŒ·

  6. Thank you, dear Elisabete, for opening your heart in this praise, and know that your joy is my joy. As I always tell you, it has been wonderful to have you with us, walking this journey that He invited us to walk, knowing that more than restoring our marriages, He wants to restore us completely… and I am happy and excited knowing that He has more to do in us, for us, and I give Him all the honor and all the glory!
    Oh, my dears, I am so happy and blessed to have all of you by my side on this journey πŸ’ you are gifts that He has given me, the hands that support me when I have no strength. Every encouragement I read leads me to look to Him, to seek Him more and more, and not to look at the difficulties and problems. And for all of you reading this praise today, know that He has called us to β€œa time like this,” where we have been drawn to Him, going through something difficult, in order to help share our journeys, and encourage (or give courage) to other women who are going through something similar. πŸ’“
    Let us all be Bridge Builders:
    Much love to you, my friend Elisabete, and an incredible weekend with Him! πŸŒ·πŸ’•

  7. Dear Marta, thank you for your sweet message, only our hearts ❀️ Just like you, I am so happy to have you here and to be able to encourage each other πŸ™πŸ½ It was for a time like this that He called us and that every day we can be used to talk about the your love, kindness and loyalty πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Much love to you 😘 Have a great weekend πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸŒ·

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