Living the the abundant life🩡

Promise of the day: But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar with wings like eagles, They will run and will not get tired, They will walk and not get tired.Β¨ I4031

When I look back, it was the wait that made me who I am today. Waiting allowed me to know the Lord as I do now.

I would never have known Him so intimately and I would never have been able to appreciate Him or my life as I do now, certainly not in the way I needed to know Him. I thought that through restoring my marriage is how I could minister most effectively. However, like all brokenness, it has been thanks to my recent divorce that I have been able to minister more! And some of the β€œwhys” I've had for so long have finally been answered.

At that time I believed that my ministry was based on my restored marriage. However, today, women see my joy and my abundant life, and now they want what I now have: my Beloved in all its extent! Oh, can we ever doubt His ways or feel faint (or God forbid) give up without waiting for all His precious promises to be fulfilled?

9 thoughts on “Living the the abundant life🩡”

  1. Thank you dear Nelly for sharing, I can relate to what you shared. It is in the waiting that we get to know our Beloved Husband’s heart for us, it is in the waiting that we are changed and it’s in the waiting that we can experience peace and joy.

    I also thought my ministry would depend on restoration of my marriage, BUT my ministry is in being restored to my Heavenly Husband.

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Nelly. Years ago when I felt so impatient and just wanted a restored marriage I never would have thought that I too would say that it was the wait that made me who I am today and that it was all worth it, because it was in my wait that I really got to know my Darling Lord. I also though that my ministry would be based on my restored marriage but I had to loose my marriage again because there I learned a fact that it is all about having a real intimate relationship with our Darling Lord and this is the real purpose of life.

  3. This is so true Nelly❣️ Thanks for sharing and to remind us how we are called to sow, sometimes watering the seeds with our own tears, but for sure we will came back with so many joy, because while sowing in others lives we receive much more -something beyond compare!

  4. Dear Nelly, thank you for sharing your praise with us, and just like you, it was like this, waiting with Him that I learned what His purpose is for my life.
    I think the objective of this journey is to transform us, shape us and empower us so that our lives are a testimony to the work of our Beloved in us. Thank you for once again opening your heart and being His instrument to minister to hearts πŸ’•

  5. I want to be where you are! I know that’s where my beloved is taking me! praising Him that you are here!!

  6. My sweet Nelly, I felt so identified with everything you shared! Our purpose is far greater than we think. Our Beloved opens new opportunities when we surrender. A whole new life awaits for us when we truly accept His will in our lives. He loves us so much, He is so good, so trustworthy, nothing that we do can separate us fron His. He is always near to heal our brokeness and gives our true purpose.
    Thank youuu for sharing

    1. Thank you, Isabela. Love your words ” He opens new opportunities when we surrender.” This has encouraged me today. I’ve been surrendering and asking for His Will to be done unto me. Even though I’ve been in the waiting and sometimes have felt far from my Beloved I’m reminded that nothing can separate me from His love. Thank you

  7. Your blog makes me feel good Nelly I don’t know if I’m depressed or at an impasse. My world is very dark right now… But I like the verse you shared…

    Promise of the day: But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will fly away with wings like eagles, They will run and not be weary, They will walk and not be weary. Β¨

    I read in ‘dessert’ it is said that the eagle goes through a process before being able to take flight again.

  8. Nelly, thank you for your encouraging words. These are the verses and words I needed. I have been in waiting for some months now. I don’t even know what I’m waiting for but I know He has me in a waiting room for something He is doing. I wait on Him regardless. It’s hard when we think we know what we need or want but He has a different plan. Right now I may not see what He is doing or how He will do it but all I know is He’s not done with me yet. I’ve been growing very weary lately. I’ve even been temped to turn back. I’ve felt the several attacks of the enemy and felt the old contentious woman trying to return in me. All I know is when the struggles increase, a big blessing is on the way. So I thank Him for this time of waiting, discomfort,
    struggle and breaking me yet again. Your post has reminded me to not grow weary of doing good, those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. Thank you for being an encouraging bride.

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