LL 38: Holding Pattern

Beloved wife, treasures these moments on your trip, next to your Husband. At every moment of your day, talk to Him, not only about your situation, but about the love He has sown in you, to feel His presence. You are surely in a period of waiting for a miracle in your life. Today I encourage you to rest; That you deliver your loads to the Lord. Meanwhile, love it, walk next to Him, let Him take you through places that you have shared with Him, where you have felt His presence and lived happy moments. Now we are His friends, and I want to encourage you to talk to Him about how much you love Him, how your life has changed and that you let His arms hug you forever. Thank you, my Lord for surrounding us with your love and for making our way a path where we find you and we can hug you.


Amada Esposa, atesora estos momentos de tu Viaje, al lado de tu Esposo. En cada momento de tu día, habla con Él, no sólo de tu situación, sino del amor que Él ha sembrado en ti, para sentir Su presencia. Seguramente estás en un período de espera de un milagro en tu vida. Hoy os animo a descansar; Que entregues tus cargas al Señor. Mientras tanto, ámalo, camina junto a él, deja que te lleve por lugares que has compartido con Él, donde has sentido su presencia y has vivido momentos felices. Ahora somos sus Amigas, y quiero animarte a que hables con él de lo mucho que lo amas, de cómo ha cambiado tu vida y de que dejes que sus brazos te abracen para siempre. Gracias Jesús mío por rodearnos de Tu amor y por hacer de nuestro Camino un camino donde Te encontramos y podemos abrazarte.


4 thoughts on “LL 38: Holding Pattern”

  1. Alabo a mi amado y gracias Liza por tus palabras, adelante con nuestro amor, con él todo es posible y sus planes siempre son de paz.
    gracias 💓
    I praise my beloved and thank you Liza for your words, forward with our love, with him everything is possible and his plans are always for peace.
    thank you 💓

  2. Thank you for sharing Liza. It is so very true. We can share every moment with Him and we are never alone. It is wonderful as woman to experience this Love because nothing else compares. 🩷

  3. Thank you for sharing dear Liza yes we can enjoy the time with our Heavenly Husband while we are in the desert. His love make it easier to go through the desert.

  4. Thank you for sharing precious Liza, I just love the living lessons. Every moment with our Darling Lord next to us is precious, just today I said I never ever again want a life without Him, He is all I want, He is all I need and if I have Him, I really have everything.

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