LL44:I do not deserve it

'As far as the east is from the west, so he has removed our transgressions from us.' Psalm 103:12

Beloved Brides, look around you, and see the wonderful mercy that the Lord has had for you. Even in the midst of our sins, when we were in darkness, He came to find us, took us out of our pain, and gave us a new place, a new image inside and out. Let us not listen to the voice of the enemy that tells us that we do not deserve what Our Beloved has given us. I know that I have fallen listening to Him, and at His feet I cry and ask forgiveness for my mistakes, when He has already forgiven me and I am the one who continues to feel unworthy of His love. He has given us that real love that although we do not deserve it due to our merits, they are proof that we have been called to be His Bride and now we only have to lie down next to Him, remain hugged to Him and get up from the ground to walk with Him.
Let us ask Our Love to remove the thoughts that distance us from His Presence and that we live overflowing His love in us, because we deserve all the blessings that He wants to give us.


Amadas Novias, miren a su alrededor, y vean la maravillosa misericordia que el Señor ha tenido para con ustedes. Aún en medio de nuestros pecados, cuando estábamos en tinieblas, Él vino a buscarnos, nos sacó de nuestro dolor, y nos dio un nuevo lugar, una nueva imagen por dentro y por fuera. No escuchemos la voz del enemigo que nos dice que no merecemos lo que Nuestro Amado nos ha dado. Yo sé que he caído escuchándolo, y a Sus pies lloro y pido perdón por mis errores, cuando Él ya me ha perdonado y soy yo la que sigue sintiéndome indigna de Su amor. Él nos ha dado ese amor real que aunque no lo merecemos por nuestros méritos, son prueba de que hemos sido llamadas a ser Su Novia y ahora solo nos queda recostarnos a Su lado, permanecer abrazadas a Él y levantarnos del suelo para caminar con Él.
Pidamos a Nuestro Amor que quite los pensamientos que nos alejan de Su Presencia y que vivamos desbordando Su amor en nosotras, porque merecemos todas las bendiciones que Él nos quiere dar. https://loveatlast.org/lecciones-de-vida/semana-44-no-lo-merece/

2 thoughts on “LL44:I do not deserve it”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Liza. Our Darling Lord’s mercy for us is really all around us. I see my Darling Lord’s mercy really in my life and I am so grateful for for it.

  2. Like you, I have doubted myself and felt unworthy. I have asked for forgiveness, unaware that God had already forgiven me. Let’s remember that His love is always present and find comfort in knowing that His love for us is unconditional and will never fade.

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