Look at the test and embrace it with pure joy

"He said, โ€œLook! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.โ€" Daniel 3:25ย 

ย Dear ladies, today I want to share with you the encouragement that the Lord has given me in the current process that I am facing, and I just want to praise Him because every day He shows us His wisdom and with this teaching He shows me that it is important to appropriate it, to live it. and share it for the blessing of those who listen.

Beloved Bride, Has it happened to you that you are at the door of a terrifying test and all you want is for it to disappear? Has it happened to you that you just want to turn your back and forget it and never see it there again?

I don't know what your test is, maybe it's your marriage, a divorce, your health, the life of a loved one, your children, your spouse... Faced with the test, let's be careful not to fall into depression by trying to turn our backs on it. and act as if the situation were not there, nor do we fall into the other ditch of anguish, wanting to take everything into our hands, distancing ourselves from the counsel of the Lord.

I am at a point in my journey where the trial has heated up even more, where the process demands trust, surrender, and faith in my Beloved in a way that there is nothing I can do with my strength. I was in a moment of denial where my Beloved showed me that fear dominated me because I did not want to go through that trial that was knocking on the door.

Studying the course A Wise Woman in Waiting in the chapter 5, my Beloved showed me how important it is to let ourselves be guided according to the Will of God, it is he who knows what is best for us, but above all he reminds me that He is in control. However, I understand that one of the great enemies is fear and that even going through the trial taken from His hand gives me the opportunity to be freed from my fears along the way with the assurance that He will give me everything. what you need to get through it.

This lesson taught me the precious value of faith, which must be tested precisely in difficult moments, each test has a hidden treasure; He taught me that even though we humanly want to flee from it, we must take His Grace to embrace that Trial and immediately seek His Guidance and will in the matter.

โ€œThese have come so that the proven genuineness of your faithโ€”of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fireโ€”may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.โ€ 1 Peter 1:7

I know it is hard to have to go through trials; Some may be really disconcerting or considered too much for us, but He will be there in the middle of it, with all the capacity so that this trial not only does not destroy us but so that we can bear witness to how great His sustenance can be along the way. , to show His Glory in the process, show the freedom that we can achieve and that will invite others to rise to new heights and that more people will be attracted to Him.

โ€œNebuchadnezzar then approached the opening of the blazing furnace and shouted, โ€œShadrach, Meshach and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!โ€ย So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire, and the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers crowded around them. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them.โ€ ย Daniel 3.26-27

My Beloveds, I leave my spirit here in my trial, preferring to look at it and embrace it with great joy because only then will I be able to see what my Beloved is going to achieve through it and remember in it that it is a way to refine our hearts and our walk. , is a promoter of our commitment to Him and our intimacy; embrace it as the time of preparation to bring comfort to others in their tribulations.


4 thoughts on “Look at the test and embrace it with pure joy”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Perla, yes it is sometimes hard to go through trials, but when I look back on my life, He is with me in every trial and yes I wouldn’t have been able to do it without my Darling Lord, because apart from Him I really can do nothing. And I do also see not out of every test came a testimony.

  2. Thank you Perla, I currently want to run away from doing my personal taxes, somehow it always instils fear in me, but I know I can give it to my Beloved Lord to help me and sort it out for me, just like He did previous time. It also reminded me of “The Wave of Adversity” https://loveatlast.org/fc/living-the-abundant-life/chapter-3-the-wave-of-adversity/. I am going to go into this without fear, knowing He is the one in control \o/\o/.

  3. My sweet Perla, thank you for being so honest and sharing your struggles with us! The Lord loves you, He is with you, He is holding your hand through every step! Life with Him is not easy but is full of miracles!! Praying this promise into my life changed my circumstances!

    “Though the fig tree does not bud
    and there are no grapes on the vines,
    though the olive crop fails
    and the fields produce no food,
    though there are no sheep in the pen
    and no cattle in the stalls,
    yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
    I will be joyful in God my Savior.
    The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
    he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
    he enables me to tread on the heights.” Habakkuk 3:17-19
    I change this into my own situation and I felt so loved and happy!!
    This lesson always give me hope: https://loveatlast.org/finding-the-abundant-life/chapter-10-surrender/

  4. Dear Perla I know some trial can feel unbearable, but also remember He never gives us more than we can bear, He is preparing you for a huge blessing, so dont lose faith, declare and know that He has already went ahead and opened the way for you so you can go through whatever you need to, to be refined.

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