Love is the ultimate answer above all!!!

"And the L ord is the One who is going ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not desert you or abandon you. Do not fear and do not be dismayed.โ€ย Deuteronomy 31:8

Love is the ultimate answer above all!!!

Over the last week I read testimonies of Him taking care of His brides also about how time heals, physically and mentally each step in this journey is to change us and prepare us. When we get married in love, we promised and hoped it was โ€˜till death do us part. We see other people go through divorce, other women having children for our husbands or they are taking care of children of the other woman, but until we are the one in those shoes, then is when we know the feeling and still itโ€™s something everyone feels differently. I haven't been spending time with my Best Friend and Beloved Lord as I feel and I know I should and therefore things and events have been happening, still He doesn't leave me. I have this promise from him โ€œthe Lord himself goes before you before me he goes and he will be with me he will never leave me nor forsake meโ€ Deut 31:8

So I know that whatever comes my way I have Him by my side and I can face whatever comes. Yesterday was actually 8 years since my separation, I didn't really remember. Then I received a message from a friend who, commented something to me, she said: โ€œdid you know your husband has another child with another woman then she went on to say don't cry you are a warrior of Godโ€ฆโ€ ladies I'll tell you the truth it hit me hard, I got somewhat confused feelings love and hurt I began thinking a lot of things but I choose to let them go, just like I did with my marriage and my spouse a while ago, many times we don't understand why he allows things in our life but He knows.

Before getting this news I wrote a testimony and read a lesson where I shared about love and trust in God, He gave me some promises previously, that gave me peace and I never knew what He was preparing me for, but now I know it was to receive this news and then there is this love and praise song entitled โ€œfor my goodโ€ where He tells me how โ€œHe kept my heart aliveโ€ I didn't cry, not in that moment at least, I haven't cried over my spouse for a while now but, I thought about my child and his heart, he doesn't know right now, but whenever that happens I know he would have a lot of questions but I also know that my Beloved will give me the right answers.

I know I failed to move many times when my Beloved told me to, by not dedicating the time to Him that I know I should and spending time doing other things that are not directly from Him. Another promise that I read as I was writing this and thinking about what is going on around me, this is how he spoke to me in Philippians 2:13 โ€œGod is working in you giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases Himโ€. It's exactly how I feel I know that each one of these trials that I go through make me stronger but they are also drawing me closer to Him and making me want to please Him more because I love Him and I know that He has my back.

As much as we learned that we must keep things to ourselves, many times we still fail to do so. I shared this with some friends that supports me, thank God all was supporting the process, agreeing that we will see God hands in this. And that every child is a blessing and if this is real and if God allowed that situation itโ€™s because He has a great plan. Again as I received this information I was in front my family my mom, my father and niece. I just thanked my Lord for helping me to remain calm, at peace, guys if this was a few years ago I would have been broken down in tears and I didn't know how to fix it so I asked my God why He had allowed the situation even after I ask ed to close all wombs so no one else would get pregnant for my spouse and then I said to him what do you want me to do with this information I don't even know how to react and He answered me by sending me a promise on the Bible app on my phone, which I didn't know could happen so I got frightened in the moment and the promise is II John 1:6 which says: โ€œlove means doing what God has commanded us and he has commanded us to love one another just as you heard from the beginningโ€ it took me right back to unconditional love, loving the unlovable, how could I still love him? when I am feeling hurt!! but my Beloved Lord made me just let go everything and praised HIM that same moment with that love song that said โ€œyou kept my heart aliveโ€ everything is for a reason, it is in my Lord's hand so I know something very good is coming. The peace I have only comes from Him, me being able to say โ€œevery child is a blessingโ€ even when that child is from another person with my husband has to be from God.

I know this is a lot that I wrote, what I want you to know that every step of this journey I've had my Best Friend with me, it's today that I can look at the different situation around me and see Him in everything, thank Him and be able to share with others the wonders of His will. I know I have a Friend that has everything under control and I'm sure that He will allow in the right time, in His time, everything will be set in its right place. Brides donโ€™t lose faith in the Lord, don't lose hope just know that in His hands everything will be done according to His will in His right time.
If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him, and He will gladly tell you.

"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." James 1:5

Children are a blessing and Love is the ultimate answer above all!!!

11 thoughts on “Love is the ultimate answer above all!!!”

  1. Thank you for sharing your heart Jewel. Children are a blessing and this is the same promise I had to remind myself of during my journey. My EH got the OW pregnant while I was pregnant with our second child. They were born weeks apart. But my Beloved gave me such peace and love knowing that everything would be okay. We sometimes have to go through such hard times, but itโ€™s all to draw us near to Him. He will never let us go through something alone. He has something so wonderful planned for you. I never thought out of everything happening that I would be blessed with another child, get to quit my job and stay home to homeschool my three daughters now. He works in mysterious ways but He has something planned for us better than we could ever dream or imagine. Keep holding His hand and trusting Him through it all.

    โ€œNow all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.โ€
    โ€ญโ€ญEphesiansโ€ฌ โ€ญ3โ€ฌ:โ€ญ20โ€ฌ โ€ญNLTโ€ฌโ€ฌ

    โ€œDonโ€™t be afraid, for I am with you. Donโ€™t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.โ€
    โ€ญโ€ญIsaiahโ€ฌ โ€ญ41โ€ฌ:โ€ญ10โ€ฌ โ€ญNLTโ€ฌโ€ฌ

    1. Thanks for your encouragement and promises, you know my life was around that same situation but with my mom, I am the “restoration child”however once I knew we had a sister, i was much younger didnt know what to say or if I was to even beleive it my mom is still somewhat upset, the thing is I always wondered what she felt and if I could deal with that, thank God He prepared me to live the situation in a different way not looking at the facts but expecting the Blessings He has in store.

  2. It must have been very painful to learn this. But I’m so glad to hear that you have faith in the Lord and that you know He has a plan for you. Keep your head up and keep trusting in Him. He will never let you down.
    And thank you for this promise โ€œGod is working in you giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases Himโ€ โค๏ธ

    1. Yes it was painful, but He sure didn’t give me more than I can take, He was right there with me, He is right here with me, “God is working in you giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases Himโ€ Yes He is!!!

  3. When I found myself discouraged after my separation the Lord gave me a word through the story of King Hezekiah in 2Kings 19- the prophet responds against the threat and tells the king He (the king of Assyria) will not come in an invade. I know the Lord was speaking to me regarding the other woman as she was living in another state. But later I find out she was with my husband. I was devastated. But like you said everything God does has a purpose. Needless to say once my marriage was restored . My husband told me that the other woman stayed for like 2 months only and all the time I thought my earthly husband was living with her. The other part of the word to Hezekiah was the same way the king came is the same way he will leave. And my heavenly husband did exactly that. She went back from where she came. I was separated for 3 years and all the time I thought they were together and they werenโ€™t. Donโ€™t let the enemy put thoughts in your head that are pure lies. God has a plan and a purpose. Keep believing . God always wins!

  4. Thank you for sharing this Jewel.
    This hit me so hard to know that there’s other women out there too who went through similar events as I did. One verse that always stands out for me is this:
    Romans 8:28 NIV
    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

    1. Yes, and I thank Him that it was now and not before, His timing is perfect, for everything!!! And yes I know eventually I will seethe good purpose in this situation.

  5. Hi jewel
    Thank you so much for your post
    For 3 days all I did was run around and felt very distant from the Lord.
    And today I spent almost a day with my Eh because we had to go to the bank and as he gave me his phone to make some changes I saw that he had put my first name and that he called the other woman love. At first I felt frustrated and even worse when I opened the message from “Love” I felt very uncomfortable and became silent. Did God allow me to see this, yes, but especially when I got out of the car I said no, it’s not you I want, it’s my heavenly husband.
    After a period of repentance I came across your post… God prepares us to face the worst situations.

    1JOHN 5.14

    14And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

    ๐ŸŒนConfide nce that we hae in him๐ŸŒนhe will prepare us for the worst Situation.

  6. Yes!! my dear Kathleen, just like you said He prepares us, and gives us the peace we can only get through Him, so that whenever these hard trials come up we can get through them knowing He is holding our hands, and knowing also that the harder the battle, the bigger and the sweeter the victory in Him!

  7. Thank you for sharing precious Jewel. Isn’t it wonderful how we can have peace with our Darling Lord right beside us, in the midst of a trial and pain and He even helps us to look differently at a situation. He is just the Best!!!
    I know how you are feeling, because I remember finding out about the other women having a baby and even being in denial and saying no I don’t think she can be pregnant and then when the baby was born, I remember the hurt that I carried as a burden for so long with me, which didn’t do me good.

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