🎢Love Song for the Weekend – πŸ’žEndless Love

"Sing praises to God and to his name! Sing loud praises to him who rides the clouds. His name is the LORDβ€” rejoice in his presence!" Psalms 68:4

I want to share a very special Love Song with you for this weekend. Listen to it, sing it to Him, and join the discussion in the comment section on what THIS song meant to you and what particularly spoke to your heart.

MORE Love Songs

The Love Songs we publish here are intended for a Lover, not a song sung in church. We are turning from religion to relationship.

If you have a Love Song, please share it in "Post Your Praise" so we can delight and Selah in it one of the Fridays to come." This Friday is just about this song.

This song has been in my heart for a week now, so I will share it here. This is one of the first Love Songs I sang to Him when I became His Bride. The words are so beautiful. One of my favourite parts is where the song says: "Two hearts that beat as one" The emoji in the title of this blog is the one that always makes me think of this song. πŸ’ž Our hearts are entwined and beating as one. Mine is the small heart and He is the big one. Enjoy this song with us this weekend.

🎢πŸŽ₯Endless Love

My love, there's only you in my lifeThe only thing that's right

My first loveYou're every breath that I takeYou're every step I make

And I, I want to shareAll my love with youNo one else will do

And your eyes, your eyes, your eyesThey tell me how much you careOoh, yesYou will always beMy endless love

Two heartsTwo hearts that beat as oneOur lives have just begun

Forever (oh)I'll hold you close in my armsI can't resist your charms

And love, oh loveI'll be a fool for you I'm sureYou know I don't mind (oh)
You know I don't mind'Cause you
You mean the world to me (oh)
I know, I know
I've found, I've found in you
My endless love

Oh, and love oh, loveI'll be that fool for you I'm sureYou know I don't mindOh, you know I don't mind

And, yesYou'll be the only one'Cause no one can denyThis love I have insideAnd I'll give it all to youMy love, my love, my loveMy endless love

Please share in the comment section what part of the song spoke to you.

11 thoughts on “🎢Love Song for the Weekend – πŸ’žEndless Love”

  1. These are beautiful lyrics, but what stood out for me is:

    My first love
    You’re every breath that I take
    You’re every step I make

    Our Beloved should be our First Love, He placed breath within us and we should follow His guidance with every step we take.
    He first loved us before we were born, while we were still in our mother’s womb, He placed this verse in my heart:

    For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
    14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
    15 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
    16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.
    17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
    How vast is the sum of them!

  2. Oh dear Yvonne, thank you for sharing this beautiful song, it was always my go-to song to listen to when I was younger. But before I would listen to it and cry with sadness, because of the melody and because it reminded me of things from the past.
    But when I learned about love songs for Him, my Beloved truly filled my life with joy and laughter and took away all my sadness. I love Him!!!
    This part of the song really touches me:
    β€œMy love,
    There is only you in my life
    The only thing that is certain
    My first love,
    You are β€œeverything I breathe”
    You are every step I take”
    I love this, knowing that His love is not just any love, it is divine and we can have it and experience it every day!πŸ’•

    1. Yes, Marta, it is nice to be able to sing these songs to Him. I am fortunate in a way because I was never someone who would really listen to songs in terms of singing it to someone. I have always loved to listen to music, but because I loved the words or the melody, not because it reminded me of someone, so I can sing to my Love without the songs having anything attached. 😍

  3. Wow this is so beautiful Yvonne, in our Darling Lord I really have found my endless Love. No one else will really do!!! Our Darling Lord is whole meaning of Love!!!

    1. Oh Janine, I was now reminded of your RMT where you said, you could never loose God again and see where you are now with your Darling Lord.

      1. Aaahhh yes thank you for the reminder, I am sitting here with a huge smile, it was all so worth it! And I meant what I said, as long as I don’t loose my Darling Lord!

  4. Oh, y amor, oh, amor.
    SerΓ© ese tonto por ti, estoy seguro.
    Sabes que no me importa.
    Oh, sabes que no me importa.

    Hermosa cancion, me gusto esta parte, puedo ver como una tonta, pero no me importa porque lo sigo y lo amo a EL. Es mi respiro y mi todo,, grande es Nuestro Esposo, y nos llena de palabras amorosas, porque nos ama infinitamente.

    Oh, and love, oh, love.
    I’ll be that fool for you, I’m sure.
    You know I don’t care.
    Oh, you know I don’t care.

    Beautiful song, I liked this part, I may look like a fool, but I don’t care because I follow Him and I love Him. He is my breath and my everything, Our Husband is great, and He fills us with loving words, because He loves us infinitely.

    1. Yes, Liza, for sure I believe to the world we may look like fools, but I am okay with that, because He is all we need.

  5. Dear Yvonne, a couple of weeks ago I shared this very same love song at the PTG Blog πŸ₯°

    This song says exactly how I feel about Him. My Beloved is my endless Love… As the lyrics of this song say, I love singing to Him that He is everything I breathe, it is every step I take, that I I can’t resist His charms, that He, my Prince, is my world πŸ’•

  6. Oh yes, Ariele and it always reminds me of my favourite verse as well that says: I have loved you with an everlasting love… so beautiful.

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