Loves Me as No One Loves Me

I thank each partner for giving me the privilege of taking this course Finding the Abundant Life that has enriched my life, leading me deeper into a deep relationship with the Beloved of my soul. These days I learned what matters most to the Lord is the deep intimacy with Him.

Through the testimony of life of Michelle Michaels, who is a woman of great resilience and faith, I believe her desire in writing about how we lead to an Abundant Life in the Beloved of our souls, be, in fact, our real vocation, and I only have to give thanks to the Lord for her and Erin’s lives. I emphasize that the Lord deals with each of his brides in a unique way, because we are unique and His plans for our lives will be revealed as we live one day at a time, most of the time not realizing the whole divine plan, because it involves going through many difficulties and trials, what matters is that we learn that we must not resist evil, but rather allow the plan to be concluded, not saddening, but giving thanks and praising Him in all these things. Surfing the waves of adversity, waiting for and through His blessings for our lives, we must always ask the Lord about all that troubles us and surrender to Him all that weighs us, allowing nothing to disturb our intimacy in search of an Abundant Life with the Beloved of our souls.

Dear brides, thank you for all of you. The situation of my marriage has not changed, I am still separated and I do not know what will come, but who changed it was I who began to seek the Beloved of my soul for understanding that He is all I want and all I need and every day I have learned more about resting in Him and praising Him in every situation, for I know that all things have worked together for my good, I know I need and want to have more and more of Him, regardless of the restoration of my marriage, my family… After all, if I am not transformed and restored from what it is good to desire, it will not make me fully happy. My husband cannot give me what I really need, for he also needs the same as deep intimacy with the beloved of my soul Jesus Christ.

I am My Beloved and My Beloved is Mine, I am My Beloveds and He deeply desires me as no one desires me, appreciates me as no one appreciates me, loves me as no one loves me or will love me. I seek Thee, my BELOVED and I know that I will find You, dear. I know that you are healing me, transforming and revealing Your perfect will for my life. I know I don’t need to worry about what happened or tomorrow, just to seek You and praise You with songs from my spirit, I’m always elevated to praise You Beloved, I want you more and more and I know that you are taking care of everything with a lot of love. So wrap me in Your arms of Love and never let me go.

Dear little brides, praise the Lord for each of you. The only thing I want to encourage all of you is to seek a deep relationship with the Beloved of our souls, for that is all you need. You will not realize most of the time, but He is transforming us His brides through adversity, he uses them for us to forge his character, letting our carnal nature die every day.

~ Hannah in Alagoas

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Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”

Matthew 6:19–21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”