Many blessings


Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, โ€˜Be taken up and cast into the sea,โ€™ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him. M1123

At the moment I am on holiday in a country with mountains. It is always a special experience for me and the children because there are no mountains in our country. A few small hills or dunes. But most of our country is flat. The mountains are immensely high and large. They stand firm and unshakable.

Seeing mountains makes me more and more amazed at the Bible texts that talk about mountains. Our Beloved Lord is so great and so powerful that he can move our problems, which often feel like huge mountains to us, and throw them into the sea. If we just believe without a doubt that He can do it.

When I look at the mountains, I can marvel at how mighty He is.

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; From where shall my help come? P1211

I was dreading the summer holidays (like a mountain). I had in mind that I would be without children for an extended period of time, and I didn't know if I could afford a vacation. Trusting my Beloved Lord and putting everything in His hands was the best thing I could do. So wonderful, He has thrown the mountain (which I had made myself) into the sea. I have not been without children for a day during this holiday. He gave me a free holiday with 2 very sweet families. They organized my birthday together at a beautiful location and baked a delicious cake. This morning at 8 o'clock they brought freshly baked bread. We drink coffee together and the children have a good time together. They treat us with so much love and are there for us. We feel so spoiled.

Dear brides, I want to encourage you to bring every problem you encounter to Him, believe with all your heart that He can move your mountain (problem) and throw it into the sea. Trust in Him alone He will shower you with His blessings.

I would encourage you to read the book 'Moving Mountains' to learn even more about moving mountains in your life.

5 thoughts on “Many blessings”

  1. I love this, to be amazed at His work around us, i love to admire also all the beauty He has blessed us with, just this morning I was thanking Him for who He is with and for me for all of us He is just so sweet

  2. Wow, what an amazing experience you’re having on your holiday! Iโ€™m the same way with the ocean as you are with the mountains.๐Ÿ˜ My state is called the โ€œMountain Stateโ€ and itโ€™s about 7-8 hours from the ocean, so when I see it, its beautiful and amazing seeing His creations. And it’s even more special to think about how God can move our mountains (problems) and throw them into the sea. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Gracias Hanna. El siempre, esta pendiente de nuestros deseos, y esas montaรฑas, que no podemos derribar, solo debemos rendirselas y El hara. Estas vacaciones son un regalo, de Nuestro Seรฑor, para que descanses a Su lado, que hermosa experiencia cuando lo sentimos tan cerca.

    Thank you Hanna. He is always aware of our desires, and those mountains, which we cannot knock down, we must only surrender them and He will do them. This vacation is a gift, from Our Lord, for you to rest by His side, what a beautiful experience when we feel Him so close.

  4. Dear Hanna thank you for sharing this praise, it really encouraging me this morning to read how He moved your mountain and turned everything around for good!
    I also love being in nature, whether it is in the mountains, a nature reserve or a sea vacation. There is nothing like spending time with Him in His creation, marvelling at just how wonderful He created everything.

    “You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your long arm! Nothing is too hard for You!”;NKJV;NLV;MSG

  5. Thank you for sharing precious Hanna, how special that our Darling Lord is pampering you with a vacation and enjoying it with your children, He is really the best ever! I have always loved mountains, when I was still very little we lived where there was a lot of mountains.

    “The mountains quake before him and the hills melt away. The earth trembles at his presence, the world and all who live in it.” N1:5

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