My Beloved did it again!

β€œI tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, β€˜Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matthew 17:20

Dear Brides, I have to praise and give my Beloved Lord all the glory! He came through for me once again with my taxes!

I had to submit the previous year's tax return last month. This tax return filled me with some fear because I was in a higher tax bracket for that year. But I shared in a previous #taxpraise how my Beloved Lord came through for me and send a bookkeeper into my life that helped me with my previous tax return. So, I contacted her again and send her all the information she needed.

All fear disappeared as I just surrendered this tax return to my Beloved and told Him that I knew He was in control and that He will guide the bookkeeper, and if I have to pay a lot of money, I am okay with it because I know He will provide. Ever since I laid this tax return at His feet, I had incredible peace and did not worry about it again. I just knew my Beloved Lord would come through for me.

After I received the first correspondence from the Revenue Service, the bookkeeper told me she submitted my return in a way that I do not owe them anything because of my income and expenses. I did not understand anything she said, but I did not have to because I knew my Beloved Lord understood and had in under control and started praising my Beloved for the miracle. I even gave a premature praise in one of the fellowships because I knew my Beloved is the God of the impossible, He can turn any impossibility into a possibility!!

β€œWith man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

A week later I received more correspondence requesting supporting documents which the bookkeeper then submitted.

After I received the final correspondence, the bookkeeper checked and told me that there was only one thing the Revenue Service did not accept and that I owe them a VERY small amount. When she sent me the amount I had to laugh and praise my Beloved because it was about 20x less than what I expected to owe them according to the Revenues Service's tax table! It was such a small amount that I paid them immediately and didn't even have to worry about it!

Once again, my Beloved showed me that when we are faithful to #tithe, He is faithful to open the Windows of Heaven for us:

"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, β€œI will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!" Malachi 3:10

9 thoughts on “My Beloved did it again!”

  1. My dear ADINA ,
    Your post gives me the immense joy of continuing to trust our dearest for our finances.
    I had a very difficult time this month because I hadn’t given my tithe correctly, but my loved one reminded me that it was just a mistake on my part and that I shouldn’t feel guilty about it.
    I really don’t know how we’re going to end the month, but everything works together for the good of those who love God. I know how to live in abundance and in lack…
    thank you for this post

    Translated with (free version)

    1. Dear Kateleen, with you i believe that your Darling will provide for you in everything that you need. Believe and He will not put you ashamed. He did it for me so He will do it for you too. He is a great HusbandπŸ’ž

  2. Wonderful Adina😍,
    how our Heavenly Man has provided for you again. He is faithful to do so time and time again for every bride whose heart belongs to Him. It is wonderful to no longer have to worry about the financial areas of your life.
    After my LOVE spoke to me through this lesson
    I knew what to do. I was already familiar with tithing but was not doing it the right way. I was not fully receiving the many blessings that were my due. That changed when I decided to obey Him.
    I can personally testify that since I have decided to obey Him and tithe the first thing that comes in that the blessings keep coming.
    Tithing is much more than what it often refers to, your finances. It is the love from your heart for Him to obey Him and see the protection that will follow.

    I would encourage all dear brides to talk to your Heavenly Beloved about tithing if you are not already doing so. Do not deprive yourself any longer of all the beautiful blessings that He has for you and your loved ones around you.
    As you may have read or learned here in the Ministry is that we do not need your money. Tithing is one of those great promises that you cannot miss in your life as you wait for the restoration that you came for.
    Please do it today and watch your life change completely and permanently.

    “And my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory,…. ” Philippians 4:19

    Much love🌹

  3. Dear Adina, I think it is wonderful to read how our Heavenly Man blesses you. Isn’t it wonderful? He always has everything in His hand and we don’t have to worry, we just have to trust Him.

  4. Dear Adina, thank you for this report, and for reminding us to return our tithes to our storehouse, and that He is in control of everything and in His time He will fix everything. He waits for the right moment to be kind to us. This is wonderful and could only come from Him.
    How great is the care our Beloved has for His Brides!
    β€œNo eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has entered into the heart of man, what God has in store for those who WAIT for Him.”

  5. Thank you for this beautiful praise report of our Darling Lord’s faithfulness, wow He did it again and that fact is that is Who He is!

  6. Wow, what a beautiful testimony Adina! Our Husband is so faithful with EVERYTHING! How beautiful it is to feel so cared for and provided for by this sweet Husband. Your testimony makes it clear to me that HE delights in our faith, even if it is small, the fact of trusting blindly and letting Him know that we believe that He is in control, letting go of worry and works when trying to solve or find a way by our own means, as if wanting HIM to join our plan and not us to His… But if we only trust and obey what He orders us regarding finances, He will gladly take care of it.

    For my part, I praise my Heavenly Husband for providing for all the expenses of my home without fail, because He blesses me with so much food and because I don’t feel that I have financial need since I tithe and offer faithfully.

  7. Love this! How blessed we are when we put Him first always!! Tithing and offering really changes everything because our hearts trust Him with our everything. Thank you for sharing how He always provides a way when we trust only in Him ✨

  8. Wonderful, dear Adina…that our Beloved always guides our path and always surprises us. He is all we need.

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