My Beloved Is Interested in Everything About Me

ย Today's Promise: โ€œHe refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his nameโ€™s sake..โ€ Psalm 23:3

โ˜Š PR Audio Anastasia

One of my concerns before being restored was having delicious food ready on time for my husband and me, since I did not have that training at home during my youth, today I understand how important it is as mothers to educate daughters and children in this regard and I want to do it with my children, I do not blame my mother and I do not want to say this to embarrass her, but so that they can understand the magnitude of His work in me.

I want to tell you that all my mother taught me was that the secret of cooking well was in making the stews well, which are the substance of each dish - a basic preparation of Colombian cuisine - and the rest that I learned or remember was because of what I saw her do when she cooked but other than that, it was not my habit to prepare meals. When I got married my husband didn't worry about that because where he worked they prepared lunch for him, so I didn't need to cook, much less for myself.

Now that we have been restored and that we live in a new country, my husband had the need to eat our Colombian preparations, because he was exhausted from the food of this country, which is not to his total liking, so of course, I had to cook for Both of us, and this represented a great milestone for me, because I did not feel that it was an area in which I would function well, so when the day of shopping came, my husband said that it was my responsibility to buy and cook, for which I felt a lot of pressure, however I remembered a living lesson that I had recently studied "He guides me" and when I was selecting each thing I asked my Beloved and He helped me with everything, I bought everything I needed and in precise quantities thanks to He.

The next challenge was to cook ๐Ÿ˜† to which I followed the same principle, asking what do I prepare? How do I do it? And I only have praises to my Beloved Lord because He has helped me to cook every day making various preparations and most importantly pleasant and healthy for everyone at home! When I was separated I thought that it would be something difficult to achieve since my husband is reluctant to eat vegetables which for me is important, since he wanted to eat healthy (which in turn I consider is my responsibility to my Beloved), so This is something He definitely did in my EH (earthly husband), giving him his fast food cravings during our breakup until he sold out and hated them! Hallelujah!! I have been able to cook my vegetables and I have heard my husband thank me and say that they are delicious !! It is that only my Beloved can do so much!

Dear friends, on this trip I have learned that my Beloved is interested in everything about me, that He is in every place where I invite Him, that He wants to help me in everything, I have learned that I can enjoy my day by His side, because I am never alone, all the time He is there available, when I need it to market He was, when I need it to cook He is, when I need His love He fills me ... He is always by my side! He always guides me!

~ Anastasia in Colombia
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