My Beloved kept us calm and blessed us with the desire of my heart

"He gives strength to the weary, and to the powerless He increases strength. The youths faint and are weary, the young men stumble and fall; but those who wait for the Lord will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint." I402931

My beloved, I want to share with you a series of testimonies that show the faithfulness of our Beloved. This past December was a month full of trials that only showed me His faithfulness. I want each testimony to be a blessing for you because despite not wanting to go through many of the present trials, my Beloved Best Friend encourages me and in every difficult step reminds me that He is with me, and nothing escapes His control.

I want to start by sharing a testimony about my mother's health. I had mentioned in a fellowship that in mid-December my mother would come to visit me to spend time together and talk about things that she had on her heart regarding her life and that she wanted to tell me.

Well, she poured out her heart, we spent some time together, everything was calm, but it happened that, on the second night, she got such a strong pain that she fainted, she cried from the pain, and she told me that she couldn't take it anymore, she hugged me and told me that she loved me and that I should never forget that, then she asked me to call my brother who lives abroad to she say goodbye to and to call my sister to come my home.

At first, in desperation, I called my brothers, and no one answered me, I only asked my Beloved to help me, I cried out in a mixture of disbelief (I didn't believe that I was living what was happening) and desperation, I felt like he guided me to go to the pharmacy to buy an injection that we had used in the family on certain occasions, but I didn't remember the name.

I left my daughter with my mother, and I was able to get the medicine easily, I immediately injected it into him as I felt my Beloved guiding me, after a while my sister called me back and they arrived with her husband, the medicine eased her pain a little, but she was still delicate, with my sister we asked her if we could take her to social security, since she is retired, although in reality that place is the last one my mother asked us to go to, but then she accepted seeing that it was the only option for the moment.

Every medical procedure my mother has had up to that point has been done through private means, because of her fear of social security, and we have honored her over time, however, the time, almost 11 at night, gave us no other option, so she ended up accepting because of her discomfort.

We had to make a small transfer from one hospital to another, but finally they attended to her, at that moment they gave her more medicine and only kept her for a few minutes to see how she reacted, they sent her home with medicine and it was just a scare from eating something she shouldn't have and that got worse because she doesn't have a gallbladder, obviously it also affected her pre-existing illness, which complicated things in that way.

When we left it was early in the morning, my brother-in-law and my daughter were waiting in the car, which I thank my Beloved for because at that time I had nowhere to leave my daughter, although the insurance gave her medicine, we needed some that they did not have in stock, that reminds me to praise my Beloved because I felt like he reminded me of a place nearby where a 24-hour pharmacy could be, and so it was!!!
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." I4110

At all times I felt that my Beloved was with me, I donโ€™t know how to explain it but I felt with my feet on the ground or anchored, and the blessings donโ€™t end there. One of the medications they gave her at the insurance company was a remedy that she had already taken before but had stopped taking because it made her feel very bad, she had to take that remedy at night which she didnโ€™t do, I remember that in return I thanked my Beloved for helping me stay calm as much as possible, I thanked him because I had felt him in that difficult moment and I prayed back that in this difficult test my mother could also get to know him, I remember that my words were that โ€œshe could also have her own testimonies.โ€

The next morning she told me that something strange happened to her; that she had some discomfort in the early morning but that she didnโ€™t want to wake me up to worry me; then she preferred to pray and felt that while she was sleepy a voice was telling her โ€œtake the medicineโ€ she told me that she was surprised that it was a soft voice so she thought it was her imagination, then she insisted again โ€œtake the medicineโ€ but she told the voice that the medicine was causing her harm and that she was scared, but again the soft voice spoke to her again this time with all the authority โ€œtake the medicine, two spoonfulsโ€, which made her get up and take the medicine, then she told me that when she took it the discomfort went away and she was able to rest.
โ€œAnd you did not receive a spirit that makes you slaves to fear again, but the Spirit of adoption as sons and enables you to cry out: โ€œAbba! โ€œFather!โ€ R815

You can imagine how I felt when I saw that my Beloved had not only heard my prayer and that desire in my heart that this very hard test in her life would be a blessing and bear fruit for His Glory, but He showed me that He is there in these difficult times; we only praised Him and she was super surprised to have had her own testimony, which she allowed me to share with you.

I will continue to share more testimonies of this month so complex for me, but full of testimonies for His Glory.

โ€œThis is the confidence we have in approaching God: that, if we ask according to His will, He hears us.โ€ 1J514

5 thoughts on โ€œMy Beloved kept us calm and blessed us with the desire of my heartโ€

  1. Iโ€™m so glad your mom is okay, and I am in awe of how the Lord worked through all of this to not only heal your mom but also to strengthen her faith. Thank you so much for sharing this; it brought tears to my eyes regarding the part when your mom didnโ€™t want to wake you and He spoke to her โค๏ธ

  2. Itโ€™s really a comfort when we feel our Heavenly Husband by our side, leading our ways! Where should we go without Him? I am gald to know that you mother is better now โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ

  3. Blessed be our Beloved, who shows us how much He accompanies us. What a blessing that your mother is better, and that she was able to hear His voice.
    What a joy, Perla, to know that we have a Wonderful Husband.

  4. Merciii pour ce touchant tรฉmoignage qui me rappelle que notre bien aimรฉ est au contrรดle de toutes choses!! Contente que ta mรจre aille mieux
    soyez bรฉnies

  5. I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. P32:8

    What a beautiful testimony Perla! I find it so beautiful to read how He leads you through all the difficulties and shows you the way, with the result that your dear mother has a beautiful testimony. I look forward to your other testimonies. He will help you through all the difficult situations, He will show you what His plan is with all the trials.

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