My Fear Has Been Set Free

β€œSuch love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This verse was given to me this week in regards to now being a stay at home mom. I initially have been so afraid of going anywhere with my three young daughters. Fearful of what could happen with their behavior or something violent happening. This fear honestly has been crippling me and has led me to sometimes be in a mood thinking that there’s nothing I can do about my situation.

But thank you to My Husband for answering my questions and listening to my pleas. He reminded me once again that I am not alone when I go anywhere with my daughters. He also showed me that my daughters are well behaved when we go anywhere. He has spoken words of confidence into my ear to let me know that I do not need to be afraid. He has begun opening a key in my mind to let go and start taking the girls with me wherever I go. Giving me His strength and confidence that I can do anything and nothing is impossible even with very small children.

Unfortunately, the world tries to tell us we can’t do this or that with children. That we need to put ourselves first in order to better serve our families. But my Husband showed me and led me to include my daughters in everything I’m doing. If I want to exercise or go for a walk, I bring them along. When I get ready for the day, invite them to get ready with me. When I need to go to the library, bring them along. When I need to go to the store, bring them along. When I need to bake and cook, let them help. It also shows my daughters that I love and enjoy being around them. Isn’t that what it’s all about, we love being with our Husband because He loves and enjoys being around us.

5 thoughts on “My Fear Has Been Set Free”

  1. I used to get anxious about taking my boys some places with me too. I’m sure many others have felt the same way, but with your HH’s help we don’t have to worry. Letting them be a part of your daily activities is a beautiful way to show them your love and create lasting memories together.

  2. I can relate to what you shared Elda, I used to have the same fear, especially when my kids where babies / toddlers. Even leaving my children at grandparents for a night or two instilled fears in me and I always had a long list of do’s and don’t when I dropped them off.

    But my Beloved helped me to overcome the fear and now I ask Him for opportunities for the 3 of us to go and do something. The lesson, Your Best Protection,, helped me a lot to surrender the fear of something bad happening.

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Elda, I have to admit I too had so much fear and this promise helped me so much:
    “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 2T1:7

    I remember even after my eldest son was in a accident and I couldn’t sleep for a long time after that and I just one day said to my Darling Husband I can’t live in fear anymore and I surrendered it all to Him, because He is our best ever Protection and loves my son’s even more than I do.

  4. Thank you for sharing Elda, in my case while I wait for God to bless me with children, I am an aunt and yesterday I was afraid to go out with her alone because I consider it a great responsibility and having so many reports of evil in my country, I was afraid of go out alone with her, clearly your testimony confirms the feeling in my heart regarding what HE wanted to tell me, “Do not be afraid, I love you and take care of you.”

  5. You’re such a good mom! You are not mothering alone, your Heavenly Husband is right beside your side, protecting you and covering you with love and huge blessings!
    Our children are our first ministry, we must abide with our Beloved so we can listen only to His voice and not the voice of the enemy!
    This is the greatest calling we will ever have to raise godly children for His glory, He will direct your steps, take heart you are a blessed mom!

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