My Many “What If” Questions Only Fueled Fear

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."Β 2T1:7

In Chapter 3 of Restore Your Marriage it is written that fear will be one of the greatest attacks that you will need to overcome.

I had a habit of saying what if my spouse really divorced me... what if he moved in with her... what if he married her... and so my list goes on and on, not only with my marriage but with my finances and my children. I lived in fear of what could go wrong.

Today I know, I called everything into existence because the Word of God is is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword (H4:12) and says the tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit (P18:21) and believe me I ate the fruit of my words.

And let's just say I didn't call everything into existence with my words and it was meant for me to go through everything (because our precious Beloved Lord just knows better), I still want to admit that my many what if questions didn't help me with anything. It only fueled a greater fear in me and it most definitely stole my faith and of course it made me a very vulnerable target for the enemy.

And I'm not going to tell you now that fear doesn't once in a while pop up in my mind, but read the beautiful solution for if fear does pop up:

"I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?" P45:4

So precious woman I want to encourage you to let go of all those what if questions and keep your focus on our Beloved Lord and not on your circumstances.

"The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe." P29:25

8 thoughts on “My Many “What If” Questions Only Fueled Fear”

  1. Wow Janine let me be honest and confess l woke up feeling so grumpy this morning and irritable because of one or two things that happened yesterday. But thank my beautiful love He almost immediately had me snap out of it and reminded me that HE was in control and that l could change my attitude immediately and remember thst the JOY of the Lord is my strength πŸ™ŒπŸ˜„

    He has also been speaking to me about those things that concern me for the future reminding me that all l need to do is focus on my relationship and loving Him and his unconditional love for me ❀️

    I spoke to Him and told Him exactly how l felt and now l am left with His peace again. Its true, worries, concerns and fears come up the what ifs…. and the doubts and that is when we can remember His word and that as long as we focus on him everything will be just ok, in fact it will be great πŸ€—

    1. Isn’t it wonderful precious Atarah how our Darling Lord is the One Who helps us change our attitude when we look to Him for our help.

      Just before reading your comment I saw an email of lawyers that keep on sending me emails although I have paid and I have already sent so many proof that I have paid my son’s school and the moment I spoke to my Darling Lord, His peace came over me and I know He will sort it out.

      And yes precious Atarah as long as we keep our focus on Him we will be ok.

  2. I needed this reminder Janine. He has been leading me to say, β€œI wasn’t given a spirit of fear but instead I am strong because of His Love.” This is something I still struggle with the β€œwhat if” even with my marriage restored. Many trials continue to come and fear does truly rob your joy and peace if you let it. Thank you for sharing this and reminding us of His Love and His Promises.

    1. Isn’t our Darling Lord just the Best to remind us not to fear.
      I remember I would play all the what if questions over and over in my head, so much that I wouldn’t even me able to sleep that night and off course feel terrible the next day and so the cycle would go on. And what helped me a lot is to replace all the “what if” questions with a promise from Him and not even entertain a what if. And no I don’t always get it right, but it is just proof that apart from Him we can do nothing.

  3. Dear Janine, thank you so much for your encouragement and for letting our Love use you to bless our lives! And I must agree with you, that when we fall into this “what if” trap, it is the escape that the enemy wants to take away our peace and drown us in his sea of ​​fear, but when we focus on our Beloved, He assures us that His love casts out all fearπŸ™πŸ½ Thank you for sharing this beautiful solution in case fear arises: “I praise God for what he promised. I trust God, so why should I be afraid? What can they do to me mere mortals?” P45:4
    A warm hug πŸ€—πŸŒ·

    1. Yes precious Elisabete I agree with you, I see in my own life when I just fear for a second and that is actually taking my focus of our Darling Lord, even if it is just for a second, the enemy is right there waiting to take away my peace.
      A warm hug to you too precious Elisabete πŸ€—πŸŒ·

  4. Thank you dear Janine, for sharing because those thoughts have happened many times, and yes, fear is the food of those thoughts, which stagnate us, and make us lose our way and our faith.
    We must stop looking at the fog around us, and look at HIM. Fear attacks us, but we are also the ones who listen to the enemy and fear invades us, and I think it is because we need that solid food, which is His Word, as you say, that is where we are victorious.

    1. You put it so beautifully precious Liza, that we must stop looking at the fog around us and look at Him.
      This promise fits so beautifully in with what you said and thinking of the fog around us and keeping our focus on our Darling Lord: “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” P119:105

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