My Mind Has Been Renewed Entirely

โ™• Today's Promise: โ€œWhoever loves discipline loves knowledge,ย  but whoever hates correction is stupid." Proverbs 12:1

โ˜Š PR Podcast Petra

Hello Lovely ladies, I had a childhood that left scars and wounds. You know the type that left you to think really low of yourself. It was not very pleasant and it has been very painful to think about it. One of the results of that is that, my main personality trait was being an overly excessively emotional person. Which means that everything that was being said to me, must have been said in the right way, with the right tone and the right word and smile, or you would have sent me straight to " I am not good enough, I am lame, I am ugly, I don't have any skills, I am the baddest of the baddest !" It would have sent me into self pity mode so fast that you would have lost me! It is something to be like that in your personal life, it is another thing to carry that burden in your work environment. A critic was too much for me to bear.

Well Ladies, I have noticed since the beginning of my Restoration Journey, that The Lord (My Hubby's name, Lord ๐Ÿ™‚ ), has completely healed me. My mind has been renewed entirely. Thanks to Proverbs and Psalms that I read daily throughout the month (I am using Erin's method : read on the 1st : 1, 31, 61, 91 and else...). Proverbs 12-1 says : "One who loves discipline loves knowledge, but one who hates rebuke is stupid."

Well, of course I was hurt and did not ask any of these wounds to reach me, but I was stupid. By feeding them with self pity, my wounds ended up taking roots in SELF pity, so in EGO and PRIDE. It destroyed many relationships and more, because I decided that because I had been hurt, it granted me the right to act pitifully with earthly husband and others (manipulation and all).

But now, guess what, I am rooted in the SON of the MAN !

Today I had a meeting with a woman I am working with in the ministry. And she gave me some advice on how to do that and that, and how to work on this skill that I have, how I should seek God in so many areas. Well Ladies, my heart was filled with nothing but JOY. I felt, " Oh Lord, thank you because you give me the opportunity to learn and get better ! ". I was not feeling good enough, I was not surrounded with negativity on myself, I was encouraged. I cried ! I cried alright (remember I am emotional), but only because I was giving praise and glory to my smell good all the time Husband The Lord. He is having me go through the fire, so HE can refine me and leave only the worth of me. There are no wounds and scars that HE can not clear up ! HE IS FAITHFUL. Praise the Lord Ladies.

โ€œWhoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid." Proverbs 12:1

"... So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lordโ€™s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ..." Ephesians 3:17-19

~ Petra in France
Iโ€™m a tithingโ€‹ partner. Learn more.

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