My Sister Asked for Our Devotional 🤩

Happy NEW YEAR, 2023!! This morning. I’m excited to share my praise. Just before 2022 with all the hundreds maybe millions of blessings my husband has given me he had one more surprise another “remarkable secret”— my very own sister, who I did my best to “enjoy your separation” from restoring your marriage book— text me late last night, and it was the COVER of MB and under it she said…
“Hate to ask… but is this available to order.. Something TANGIBLE I can refer to always helps 💕“

So of course, I said yes and then followed my husband’s lead by ordering it online from Encouraging Bookstore. Yes, I could have actually gone directly to Sara NRP Director, and gotten a free one sent to her. But I knew in my heart I wanted to so into her life. It wasn’t much of course as far as financial investment but maybe for the first time I understand how in a few places in the Bible, where Abraham and later someone else who was insistent that paying rather than it being just give them to them. Yvonne who was that?
Anyway, that’s not what my PRAISE is about. It’s a miracle that my own sister God is just asking for a morning devotional but mine. Afterward, I confess, I thought I should at least fire a streams in the desert because to me that one is far better. But my husband stopped me reminded me that it is he who is holding her hand through this valley that’s tenderizing her heart, and making her over into a minister. That’s what I’m gonna continue to believe and I’m going to continue to tell her because I believe it with all my heart.
Are any of you seeing things happen in your own family or at work or in your neighborhood? If so, comment below 👇 or post your own praise.
Let’s enter 2023 with great expectations, knowing he is more than able!! 🥳🥳🥳

2 thoughts on “My Sister Asked for Our Devotional 🤩”

  1. Hello dear brides, Happy New Year and best wishes for 2023, may all the promises the Lord has made to you for 2023 become realistic. The year has ended and started well for me. The blessings keep pouring in, in addition to the many trials and evil rumors I hear and have to go through. Like Ruby i also have some struggles to pour out my praises on paper. But at the invitation of Erin, therefore, i could not longer keep this from you all. I would like to express my gratitude to HIM who holds me up with his right hand and guides me along calm waters. One of the things I want to praise Him for is that He brought my daughter back completely. He has begun the good work in her and will complete it. Even though I let go of her months ago and surrendered to HIM to turn her heart to Him. Was there still a deep longing in me to have her with me. I want so badly to show her and understand that He deserves first place in her life if she is to be truly happy. And so my desires are that she may become a wise women for her future husband whom the Lord has for her. The reason why she has come to me is that she has experienced with her own eyes that a person can be caught by his iniquities and caught in the snares of his sin. Thanks to my Beloved, my daughter could no longer stay where she was. For my prayer was for her to experience trials that would turn her heart and will to Him alone. And now she can experience for herself the peace and tranquility that a life with our Lord gives. she has been told several times that she needs a therapist to change but I know and my daughter is now also starting to understand that we only need HIM to heal from the pain we received in our past. On January 1, I started the year by going to the gym with my daughter, then shopping and cooking together. Then enjoy a nice meal. How great is that!!!!. My Lord has begun the healing and restoration for me, my daughter and all my family back to Him. And the further year 2023 I believe that even greater and more beautiful things will happen in the lives of my relatives. And I can only be very grateful to Him for that.

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