Yesterday, my husband is some thing completely unexpected and quite honestly a tiny bit terrifying. After having a website but I have no idea why I had our webmaster build it in 2018 after purchasing the domain 4 to 5 years earlier.
Now four years after wondering what a waste of time it was to have a website, I was actually shocked that the very first post would be about My Sister, Aunt Patty Cake.
My sister passed away in 2019 and since then, I haven’t made it a point to “celebrate” her birthday, like I’ve done with my own parents, my children’s grandparents. My husband showed me from the beginning not to celebrate the day the day they died, but their birthday.
My father left two things, shoes and coffee and so since he passed away in 1995 I have blessed my children with coffee one year and the next year a new pair of shoes
My mother, Grace, who is mentioned in the beginning of a wise woman, always believed that you needed “a good meal” — so every year since her passing and 2000 has meant us celebrating together (and now my children with their families) I give them money to get a good meal and talk about Grammy that sometimes include pictures or videos.
My husband used several things to guide me towards this video of my sister’s dream trip to Ireland One significant reason was because my husband has restored my relationship with my younger sister. So for the past two weekends, we spoke on the phone for 5 hours, then another 4 hours the following week —over the course of those conversations we did speak about our older sister.
Rather than just sharing the video with her, I would’ve also shared it with my children, but this year every day I’ve been reading this promise my husband gave me. “No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket
. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house, those who come may see the light.” L1133
So yesterday I set up my first blog that posted on her birthday, and now holding that light up, even higher by bringing it here and “posting my praise”
I hope you enjoy the video, but even if you don’t watch it, I hope my example of raising your light by posting praise, or commenting, the light will be so bright that those who are in darkness will be drawn in seeking and receiving encouragement from encouraging women!