My son texted me!!

"You have turned my crying into dancing.You have taken off my clothes made from hair, and dressed me with joy." Psalm 30:11

Good morning lovely brides!

This morning as I was preparing breakfast for my little ones, enjoying the peace Ive had in my love, no frustrations, no overwhelm, I got a surprise text from my oldest teen, who no longer lives with me.

Simply said, I love you mom. πŸ₯°

Thank you my love for such a precious text. Thank you that I no longer am waiting for that text to be okay. That I no longer feel the pain from him leaving us all.

My young children even went camping with their father this weekend, and I had such a wonderful weekend. Such tender sweet moments with my Love and met with some amazing women to go over the How GOD Can and Will Restore Your Marriage book. it's true, the closer we get to our HH (Heavenly Husband) the smaller everything else gets.
What a wonderful love πŸ’•

5 thoughts on “My son texted me!!”

  1. Wow this is so beautiful precious Rasa. I remember when you shared about your oldest son and how you praise Him while you wait –
    This is so special, I love it when our Darling Lord takes over!
    I remember this when my Darling brought restoration between me and my son –

    And I am excited because our Darling Lord is busy with your testimony. And I want to add here if you are a mum and you don’t see your children, I know our Darling Lord is also busy with your testimony too and I am excited for the testimonies to come.
    β€œYour children hasten back, and those who laid you waste depart from you.” I49:17

    1. it is so precious. going back to the first praise I posted, made me tear up again. I miss him so much. I miss all my children so much when they’re gone and I know my Love has brought me so so far. I am still sad today and am looking forward to the day when there is a whole family restored.

  2. So precious! Thank you for sharing. Our HH is truly caring for you.

  3. Having Him changes everything!! Our eyes are opened and we enjoy our days with Him!! We are no longer alone or forsaken but loved and cherished!

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