My sweet love

"I am my belovedโ€™s, And my belovedย is mine." Song of Solomon 6:3

This praise is to thank my Beloved Lord for showing me His love, and as always when we obey, He showers us with blessings.

I'll tell you, I was waiting for the bus to go home, when a cousin came and sat next to me on the bus. We were talking, when she asked me about my spouse, and she gave me advice, like everyone gives, against the principles of God. I stayed quiet and changed the subject. And then when I came alone, I felt bad because I don't tell anyone about my situation, and I was sad because I think everyone knows without me saying anything. But my Beloved Lord reminded me, that that annoyance would bring a blessing. The next day, my spouse sent me a text message and told me that he would stop by my work and we would have lunch together. And this made me see how much He has changed us, because if I had listened or acted like my cousin told me, I would surely have treated him badly, but I know that I must walk in the Truth of the Lord, and not listen to the way others do. They see us, or the way they want us to act.

And my Beloved, gave me that lunch, a gift, and to end the day, in the evening, they called me from the bakery where I shop, and told me that I won a cake. Isn't my Beloved Lord wonderful? He gave me a day full of surprises, and showed me that if we walk in obedience, He brings us blessing, and above all, that Love for us.

Beloved, let us walk in obedience, let us not allow the advice of others, which is only poison, to make us change the course that we have already learned. Because He loves us, and only wants us to do what He has already taught us. All glory to my Lord, who loves us unconditionally.

4 thoughts on “My sweet love”

  1. Yes Liza, He will most certainly bless us for our obedience. We do not need to walk in the counsel of the ungodly. It isnโ€™t always easy to do but He will reward us for it. It is evident in your life that you are taking His Lead and putting Him in His rightful place. May He continue to strengthen you and encourage you to continue down the narrow path. Thank you for sharing.

  2. How blessed are we when we walk with Him?! He cares about us and wants the best for us. I am happy for your obedience and willingness to walk in the Truth and keep silent, even when it’s not easy. Thank you for sharing.

    “The person who has knowledge says very little. And a person with understanding stays calm. Even a foolish person seems to be wise if he keeps quiet. He appears to have understanding if he doesnโ€™t speak.” Pr17:27,28

  3. Thank for sharing precious Liza, wow that is so awesome that our Darling Lord pampered you with a cake too.
    I am so grateful precious Liza that you didn’t talk to your cousin about your situation and changed the subject and that you trusted in our Darling Lord.
    It reminds me of a passage in Course 1 – Restore Your Marriage – Chapter 1 –
    “Donโ€™t run to others about your situation. First talk to God; search His Word for your answer. โ€œ. . . Seek and you will findโ€ (Matt. 7:7, Luke 11:9). โ€œHe is the Mighty Counselorโ€ (Isa. 9:6). โ€œDo not walk in the counsel of the ungodlyโ€ (Ps. 1:1). Donโ€™t tell others about your situation: โ€œMay a slanderer not be established in the earthโ€ (Ps. 140:11).”

  4. Dear Lize, what a beautiful testimony, our Lord is so wonderful! Nothing is better than obeying Him and following His principles. It brings peace to our lives and hearts to know that following His principles brings blessings.

    But the lovingkindness of the L ord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, And His righteousness to childrenโ€™s children,
    To those who keep His covenant And remember His precepts to do them. Psalms 103: 17-18

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