My Wilderness Season is Over

β™• Today's Promise: "Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her." Hosea 2:14

~ Kathy in Missouri

☊ PRAISE Audio

I am so excited and so heartbroken at the same time. My Husband is taking me home to Texas.

He has filled me with a vision and purpose for my future and I am eagerly anticipating what is to come. At the same time, I love so dearly the precious women with whom He has filled my life here in Missouri. I am grieving deeply leaving them. We have taken care of each other in the most precious ways. They have let me tell them all about the goodness of my Husband - and are leaning in to what I have told them.

Just 2 months ago God asked me to lead a Bible study about the Holy Spirit and He brought several women to our group. I was honestly scared, and had no idea where to begin, but God opened the doors and brought just the right women together - women who deeply wanted to learn more about His Spirit and have been digging into His word. It has been an amazing thing to see. I love these sisters He has given me so very much. So when He told me a few days ago that my wilderness season is over and it's time to go home and go to work (for the Kingdom) I was equally grateful and sad.

I have understood how important it has been to be alone with Him here in Missouri. Changing. Healing. Renewing. But there have been times when I have missed my family. My sweet Husband has always comforted me and I have spoken to them all and seen my daughter in North Carolina frequently. He is so good to me! And during that time I have poured my heart into the precious women He has placed in my life. I have shared the things I have learned about the wife I was and the damage I have done to my family.

They have born witness to my Husband changing me and bringing me back to life with His amazing love. I will tell almost any woman I have the privilege to serve that God literally picked me up out of the floor, and kindly but honestly began to show me how much I needed to change. And those women around me have seen it first hand. They have seen me ugly cry over things I can't talk about, and respected both my anguish and silence. They saw me laugh for the first time again, and watched the light come back into my eyes because of His amazing love. So when I talk about the love of God, they don't doubt a single word.

Now it's time to go home. He has a plan for me, and I know it's a good one. When I told my daughter that I was going back to Texas, that there are so many unknowns it should be scary, but I know our God is going to take care of me and to hear her say, "Yes, He is," with sincerity and conviction - oh my heart soared! She is also seeing how amazing He is. My sweet Husband, He doesn't waste a single thing. Not a tear or a smile.

As He begins to work out the details of getting me home, all I can do is tell everyone how amazing He is. And, of course, they have to agree. We have shed tears both in Missouri and Texas, but most importantly He is using me to build the faith of the women in my life, all over the country. That my life will give Him glory is all I want! I can honestly say that I trust Him with all my heart. He is so, so good.

So in 5 weeks the beautiful godly woman who has been my best friend for 40 years is coming to get me. Her husband and teenage son are coming too, because God placed in them a love for me I have never deserved. They are among the first to recognize the changes in me. They are giving me a new career because the Holy Spirit has told them to do so. That same Spirit has assured me that I can not do this, and to let Him work through me. My Husband has been wooing me to humility, so I can honestly say I am glad to do it just that way. What an amazing life He has planned for me!

"Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her." Hosea 2:14

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, β€œplans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

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