My wonderful Heavenly Husband

I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, If ye find my beloved, That ye tell him, that I am sick from love. What is thy beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among women? What is thy beloved more than another beloved, That thou dost so adjure us? Song of Solomon 5:8-9

My daughter celebrated her birthday last Saturday, it was a big party. My EM's AVs love to celebrate a big birthday. They asked me for permission to organize my daughter's birthday in my house. I gave permission because I want to treat my loved one with love and know that my daughter also likes this birthday very much.

Previously I had indicated that I did not want it to cause pain and anger in my EM and AV. I learned that it was stubborn not to allow this. They had no wrong intentions, but I didn't want to experience the pain of seeing my EM with the AV and spending a whole day with them.

I am grateful that we were able to organize the birthday in good consultation. Of course I also sometimes felt pain in my heart to see my EM and the AV interacting like this. But luckily I also have a wonderful Husband and Husband by my side.

I have experienced the difference between an earthly man and a heavenly man. If the AV and the EM needed each other, they had to look for each other or call each other, sometimes they had to wait a while because the other did not have time, sometimes they had to call each other a few times in a row because they were not heard. I saw this not only with my EM and the AV but also with all the other couples who attended the anniversary.

I have my Heavenly Husband, He is so wonderful and wonderful, He is so Loving! When I want to talk to Him I never have to wait because He is busy talking. I don't have to call out to Him several times in a row because He doesn't hear me. On a busy and noisy birthday, He hears me even when I whisper. I don't have to visit Him in my house. He's just always with me. He always makes time for me when I want to talk. If I don't know what to do or where something is, He helps me. When others are talking to each other I have my Heavenly Husband to talk to.

It was so wonderful to experience this, it made me feel so satisfied with my position, In the eyes of others I am a divorced and single woman, but that is not the case at all, I have the very best Husband, not an earthly man can satisfy this husband

Song of Solomon 6:3 I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine: He feedeth his flock among the lilies.

Dear Brides, I want to encourage you to focus your hearts on your Heavenly Husband at times when you are with your AE/EM and his AV, or when you are in the company of other couples. Remember Who He is to you, look at all the benefits you have now that you are His bride. It will give you so much strength and you will experience how special it is to have Him as a Heavenly Man. You also learn to let go of your AE/EM even more because your Heavenly Man is so much more wonderful.

Psalms 27:4 CSB
I have asked one thing from the LORD; it is what I desire: to dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the LORD and seeking him in his temple.



6 thoughts on “My wonderful Heavenly Husband”

  1. Obrigada querida Hanna por abrir seu coração.
    Seu relatório de louvor tocou muito bem coração.
    É nítido a presença do nosso Amado, na sua vida!

    Que continue sempre assim ❤️


    Thank you dear Hanna for opening your heart.
    His praise report touched the heart very well.
    The presence of our Beloved in your life is clear!

    May it always remain so ❤️


  2. Quel joie immense de te lire Hope mon mari vient de quitter le toit conjugale le 04 Juin .
    Je n’étais ni triste je voulais fondre en larme mais je n’y arrive pas meme les larmes de croco ne voulait pas
    venir , car en je me suis rendu compte que notre HH
    m’a préparé a cela et que je ne sois qu’ a lui. Au depart j’etais confuse, je me suis dis mais est ce que j’ai encore
    commis un adultère envers DIEU en mettant mon EH en premier .
    Mais j’ai compris a présent que je n’ai pas tromper Dieu mais qu’il me veut pour lui tout seul.

    je reprends le verset … que je trouve magnifique

    Je vous adjure, ô filles de Jérusalem, si vous trouvez mon bien-aimé, dites-lui que je suis malade d’amour. Qu’est-ce que ton bien-aimé a de plus qu’un autre bien-aimé, ô toi la plus belle entre les femmes ? Qu’est-ce que ton bien-aimé a de plus qu’un autre bien-aimé, pour que tu nous adjures ainsi ? Cantique des Cantiques 5 : 8-9

    What an immense joy to read you Hope my husband has just left the marital roof on June 4th.
    I was neither sad I wanted to burst into tears but I can’t do it even the crocodile tears didn’t want to come, because I realized that our HH prepared me for this and that I should be only his. At first I was confused, I said to myself but have I still committed adultery against GOD by putting my EH first.
    But I understood now that I did not deceive God but that he wants me for himself alone.

    I take up the verse again… which I find magnificent

    I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, tell him that I am sick with love. What does your beloved have more than another beloved, O you the most beautiful among women? What has your beloved more than another beloved, that you adjure us thus? Song of Solomon 5:8-9

  3. 2 Corinthians 12:10 NASB

    [10] Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions and in distresses for the love of Christ, because when I am weak, then I am strong.
    Hannah. What a beautiful reminder of everything it means to be his Bride.
    He is always here by our side, we can talk to him, and he always listens to us.
    He gives us the strength to bear the trials.
    Glory to Our Husband.

    2 Corinthians 12:10 NASB

    [10] Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions and in distresses for the love of Christ, because when I am weak, then I am strong.
    Hannah. What a beautiful reminder of everything it means to be his Bride.
    He is always here by our side, we can talk to him, and he always listens to us.
    He gives us the strength to bear the trials.
    Glory to Our Husband.

  4. Praise Him for His eternal love for each one of us♥️🙌 He will fill our hearts with His perfect love and guide us to secure paths. We are never alone, He is our everything❤️ I love the way you are enjoying this new life by His side, knowing that you are love, care for and heal✨ My sweet Hanna your life will never be the same ❤️

  5. Dearest Hanna, thank you for sharing what He showed you in the midst’s of what can be a very difficult situation. But now matter what we face, He is there with us, we are not alone and He surrounds us with His love and give us strength to endure.

  6. Thank you for sharing precious Hanna. Our Darling Lord is really wonderful, we really have the best ever Heavenly Husband! I am so grateful that He was the whole birthday celebration next to you, that is just Who He is!

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