Never Change His Facts

My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. P627

The last few months have really been months filled with one trial after the other. Just these last two weeks there were so many things happening one after the other. In itself, each one would not have been so bad, but just as I take a breath, the next thing happens.

My dog had to be operated on, my car needed new tires, and my cat got badly injured. These are just a few things, of course, all of them cost money and my ex can no longer afford to pay for our house, so finances are a little tight. Of course my dear Husband and Friend is the one that I can look to and with each trial, He of course, gave the way out as long as our eyes were focused on Him.

During these trials, I could see my children holding on to their Heavenly Father and quoting their favourite verses, and then yesterday, Streams in the Desert had this beautiful part in it. Please read the rest (5 August 2024) for context:

"The underlying lesson that came to me through this experience, and that I seek to convey to others, is this: Never change God’s facts into hopes or prayers but simply accept them as realities, and you will find them to be powerful as you believe them."

Wow, these words touched my heart and I shared them with my children and others around me and now with you because it was just so true. When there is a promise in His word for you and me, do we still ask for that promise or do we just accept it as true?

During everything that has happened, I could see that He is with us and that we never got frantic, He kept us calm and yes there were times that we felt a little hopeless because it was very tiring, but then He reminded us as He did the author of that day's devotional:

"The Lord says it in the simplest way: β€œMy grace is [not will be or may be] sufficient for you.” The words β€œmy,” β€œis,” and β€œyou” were from that moment indelibly written upon my heart. And thankfully, I have been trying to live in the reality of that truth from that day to the present time."

15 thoughts on “Never Change His Facts”

  1. That quote is a good reminder to accept God’s promises as realities. I understand things piling up at the same time but it’s great to hear how your children have also found strength in Him during these trials.

    1. It is so true Hope. Just this morning I was thinking of how tired I feel and then I remembered the verse that says: “God arms me with strength,
      and he makes my way perfect.” And I was able to say, I don’t have to be tired, because you already gave me strength πŸ™‚

  2. β€œThere is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

    Thank you for sharing about this season of growth!! Now I understand that these seasons bring joy and closeness to our Beloved, so I choose like you to have faith and trust! And just dream with Him!
    You are blooming where you’re planted!!

    1. Oh Isabella, yes and it is His promises that bear fruit in us, like I see in you:)

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Yvonne, this phrase: “The underlying lesson that came to me through this experience, and that I seek to convey to others, is this: Never change God’s facts into hopes or prayers but simply accept them as realities, and you will find them to be powerful as you believe them.” touched me so very much. I love it!

    And I love that your children are holding on to their Heavenly Father and you on to your Best Ever Friend.
    I am so excited of the testimonies that are going to come out of the trials. And the best part is I am not hoping for testimonies to come, I KNOW they will come!
    “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.” 2C1:20

    1. Thank you Janine, yes, we KNOW, because our Lovely Lord says so in His word. πŸ’–

  4. Dear Yvonne, what you share with us was also for me, something that touched my heart yesterday with the devotional:

    “The lesson that I received and I want to transmit is that never convert the acts of God into hope or prayers but simply use them as realities and you will find them as powerful as you believe”

    This was because he made me remember those hard moments, where I fell on my knees before him and He gave me his word, his promises that I keep.
    I turned these promises into prayers of cry when I quote them in trials or when I feel weak, begging them to come true; With what you share with us, He also opened my eyes to praise, praise, give thanks in his place like He did when he was in front of the grave of his friend Lazarus and thanked him before the miracle happened.
    FAITH (believing) unleashes great power, it allows you to act.

    I agree with you, those promises that he has given so personally to each of his girlfriends, “will not be done” but have already been done.

    This analogy came to mind:
    A couple of days ago I ordered a book by parcel (request), I received the order confirmation (promise) with an estimated delivery date.
    Habakkuk 2:3
    For the vision will come true at the appointed time;
    march towards its fulfillment
    and it will not fail to be fulfilled.
    Even if it seems late, wait for it;
    because without fail it will come.
    “hoping” that it arrives and they haven’t scammed me is doubting,
    but TO TRUST that it will arrive IS TO BELIEVE that my book is already on its way.

    During the wait, I must constantly demand that my book arrive from the parcel company, because I doubt its credibility as a faithful company?
    because of those bad reviews about the owner of the company that discredit him. (those voices that attack in trials or difficulties)
    when my package is already prepared and separated and it only needs to arrive on the day it leaves the route to reach its recipient.

    It took me to ask this question:
    wait for the promise or trust in the one who promised?
    The answer was: trust the one who promises while you wait for the promise he made to you. ❀️

    1. Wow, Kathleen, what a wonderful analogy. It is so true right? What a beautiful picture you now painted for me. I will remember this always.

  5. Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony, Yvonne. In my case, I have found that many times I need to repeat His promise to myself for a long time to assimilate it and water that seed until it grows enough and I am strong in my faith to embrace it as a reality with all my heart and then begin to give thanks for what He promised and what I believe will come. I believe He knows how to lead us personally and I am amazed at the way He has done it with you, by encouraging you that His promises for you are ALREADY a reality.

    I liked the analogy that God gave you, Kathleen. That is the point: to believe in the One who makes the promise. If we know Who He is, it will be easier and easier to believe Him and accept each promise as our guarantee that what He said is already a spiritual reality in heaven on its way to earth.

    1. Anastasia, yes He gave Kathleen such a beautiful analogy and then also Anastasia, praising Him, knowing the promise is already a reality. 😍

  6. Thank you, Yvonne, for the reminder that we have to just hold on to His promises because His word is true and reliable. I hold on (or sometimes try to) to the fact that when we are pressed against the Red Sea, and things are piling up, He will show up and part the Red Sea for us for His glory, even if it might seem as if He is late. But His timing is perfect and His plans for us are perfect.

    I love the verse: “”The Lord says it in the simplest way: β€œMy grace is [not will be or may be] sufficient for you.”

  7. Yes, Adina, I read verses in a different way now. Hahahaha, I love where you said “I hold on (or sometimes try to)” In the trying to, we keep reminding ourselves and then the promises becomes a part of us.

  8. Thank you, dear Yvonne, for sharing your praise. I needed to read this so much today.
    This part really touched my heart: “When there is a promise in His Word for you and me, do we still ask for that promise or do we just accept it as truth?”
    His Word is already our guarantee that what He has promised, He will fulfill!

  9. Yes, Marta, wow, you gave me goosebumps now when you said “our guarantee” yes, our guarantee. πŸ’–

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