So, the one thing I really hoped would not happen, happened… A while ago my children started calling the OW…
Lord, thank you for reminding me that i am normal, and all my fears are going to be washed, by…
-Dear sisters, I want to tell you that with GOD EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. I cried for nights, in each of…
While reading Finding your Abundant Life “They Do not Have It” I was glad I learned that whatever we need we must…
The Prayer Team headed up by Beverly began by thanking our partners. Dear Partners, Thank you for your faithfulness! Your gifts make a…
God is Much More than our Pain IS YOUR Marriage RESTORED? If you or your husband has returned home, submit your…
Currently, I’m separated and I’m taking Course 3: Rebuilding Wisdom and I want to say that I have always read…
I’m so thankful I not only have my HH but also an HF “Heavenly Father” who watches out and is…
My Praise is about an answer to a specific prayer I had— a praise report about a song and a…