Pain in My Heart

โ™• Today's Promise: "I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, LORD, enable me to live securely." Psalm 4:8

~ Barbra in Zambia

โ˜Š PRAISE Audio

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Husband for His loving kindness. I was emotionally dried when my kids were taken away with pretense of bringing them back after a weekend, but I wanted and my FH (former husband) refused to pick up my calls when I tried to call and find out why the kids where not back and Monday was a day school's were opening back here in Zambia. This destroyed me emotionally and physically. I cried to God why this happened again and again, my kids who are just 7 years and 4, kids taken away from their mother. I cried for days cause I never understood what was happening. I had a lot of pain in my heart, feeling rejected, unwanted, all that feeling that comes with it.

One day when I closed work I went home straight to my bedroom, I cried to the Lord about how I felt about all the situation and brought my petition before God and I left all my thoughts, pain at his feet. To my surprise, dear bride's, when I woke up today I don't have any pain in my heart. I'm healed completely from feeling the heavy thing in my heart, God has healed me, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ๐Ÿ™

I praise my Heavenly Husband for being faithful to me, as I'm currently living with my last daughter, trusting and believing God for the other two to come back and live with me again. I'm praying for God's intervention. Dear Bride, be encouraged, God is faithful and he can be trusted when we call on Him with our honesty and knowing there is no other God besides Him, He is faithful to hear us and deliver us from all our afflictions. Hallelujah, praise the Lord.

"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, LORD, enable me to live securely." Psalm 4:8

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