"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." (Ps. 37:4)
Dnes už podruhé píši svou Chválu mému Nejdražšímu.
Bojovala jsem a bojují s pocity strachu, bezradnosti, úzkosti a lítosti, někdy zklamáním.
Dnes jsem četla 3lekci (Chapter 3 “A Gentle and Quiet Spirit”) kurzu Moudrá žena.Uz podruhé možná potřetí. Každopádně dnes ráno, když jsem nevěděla už kudy kam s pocity , které mě svíraly a drželi zavřenou ve vlastním vězení obav,Pan mi nejprve řekl ať je chválím.A tak jsem Mu zpívala chvály.Dostala jsem do srdce klid,odešla do práce a nemilé pocity se po čase opět vrátili. A tak jsem teď večer četla další lekci a v té mi Pan ukázal, že je za nimi neodpusteni.Lepe řečeno, i když už jsem odpustila,Satan nám stará zranění má touhu obnovit v našich myšlenkách (to jsem prvně přehlédla a proto mne Pan znovu k tetou lekcí vrátil).
Večerní rozhovor s Pánem jsem tedy věnovala znovu odpuštění partnerovi, bez pomoci Jeho ,bych to jen těžko dokázala.
Částečně se mi ulevilo.Modlila jsem se a četla Písmo a Pan ke mně promluvil a velmi pravdivě.Uz dříve mi řekl " moc chceš", ale nerozuměla jsem tomu Nevěděla jsem co moc chci? Být s Ním?Obnovu?Obnovu mého vztahu?
Až teď mi to vysvětlil. Dopouštěla jsem se poslední dny skrytého hříchu, o kterém jsem si ani neuvědomila, že se ho dopouštím.Neustale jsem si v hlavě přemítala minulost, budoucnost,co se stalo ,stane, proč se ještě nic nestalo...toto všechno působili stará zranění,které Satan zkoušel vyvolat, jejich neodpusteni a já samá samozřejmě.Vysledkem těchto myšlenek byla právě ona úzkost, beznaděj, netrpělivost,lítost...a bolest . Pan mi řekl, že ho musím volat ke všemu,co zažívám,netridit situace na Ty , které zvládnu sama a na Ty těžké,do kterých ho volám.Ale ve všem být s ním, vše mu svěřit do jeho rukou,nechat věcem volný průběh.On pak nemůže nic dělat,ani odpovídat.Jak bych ho také mohla slyšet když sama přemítam na tím co jak bude. A tak jsem se začala modlit,aby mi dal moudrost,aby mne naučil jak opravdu se vším při házet k němu,být pokorná a poslušná a včas mne zarazil,objevili se u mne náznak mé svéhlavosti a vlastních sil.
Přislíbení jsem našla v Písmu:
Spolehej na Hospodina,konej dobro,obyčej zemi a žij v bezpečí.
V Hospodinu měj svoji rozkoš - On touhy Tvého srdce náplní!
Hospodinu svěr svoji cestu,doufej v Něj a on to učiní: vyvede tvou spravedlnost na denní světlo,tvou nevinu na slunce polední.
Zustavej v klidu před Hospodinem, trpělivě na něj vyčkávej.Nezlob se když někdo slaví úspěch, když někdo provádí,co si umane.
Vyhnivse hněvu,zanech zášti,nezlob se, vždyť to jen uškodí.
No není to nádherné?
Chvála Pánu za tuto Pravdu ,kterou mi ukázal.
Today, for the second time, I am writing my Praise to my Dearest.
I have struggled and struggle with feelings of fear, helplessness, anxiety and regret, sometimes disappointment.
Today I read the 3rd lesson (Chapter 3 “A Gentle and Quiet Spirit”) of the Wise Woman course. For the second time, maybe the third time. Anyway, this morning, when I didn't know where to go with the feelings that gripped me and kept me locked in my own prison of fear, the Lord first told me to praise them. And so I sang praises to Him. I got peace in my heart, went to work and the feelings returned after a while. And so this evening I read another lesson, and in that one the Lord showed me that they are unforgiven. Well put, even though I have already forgiven, the enemy has a desire to renew our old wounds in our thoughts (I overlooked that at first, and that's why the Lord again returned to this lesson).
So I devoted the evening conversation with the Lord to forgiving my partner again, without His help, I would hardly have been able to do it.
I was partially relieved. I prayed and read the Scriptures and the Lord spoke to me and very truthfully. He told me before "you want a lot", but I didn't understand it. I didn't know what I wanted so much? To be with Him?Restore?Restore my relationship?
Only now has he explained it to me. For the last few days, I have been committing a hidden sin that I didn't even realize I was committing. I was constantly reflecting in my head on the past, the future, what happened, will happen, why nothing has happened yet... all this was caused by old injuries, which the enemy tried to evoke, their unforgiveness and myself of course. The result of these thoughts was precisely that anxiety, hopelessness, impatience, regret...and pain. The Lord told me that I must call on him for everything I experience, not to divide situations into those that I can handle myself and those that are difficult for which I call him. But to be with him in everything, entrust everything to him, let things take their course .He can't do anything or answer. How could I hear him when I'm thinking about what will happen. And so I began to pray that he would give me wisdom, that he would teach me how to really throw everything at him, to be humble and obedient, and he stopped me in time, a hint of my stubbornness and my own strength appeared.
I found the promise in Scripture:
Trust in the Lord, do good, obey the earth and live in safety.
Take your delight in the Lord - He will fulfill the desires of your heart!
Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and He will do it: He will bring your righteousness to the light of day, your innocence to the noonday sun.
Stay calm before the Lord, wait patiently for him. Don't get angry when someone celebrates success, when someone does what they can.
Avoid anger, don't hold grudges, don't get angry, it will only harm you.
Well, isn't it wonderful?
Praise the Lord for this Truth that He has shown me.
Thank you for sharing dear Rosa, He is really wonderful, I am so grateful fpr the truth He gad shown you! I see if I get feelings that are not from Him I immediately tell our Darling Lord how wonderful He is and thank Him for everything, He is then the One that lifts me up and I immidiatly feel better because He really is a good good God.
Have you read Prison to Praise, please read it if you haven’t, because I remember the vision the writer had from the Lord that if we keep on praising the Lord we move higher up and then no circumstances can touch us.
*sent from my phone📱
Děkuji ti, Roso, že jsi se o to podělila, na začátku mé cesty byly moje myšlenky a vzplanutí mým největším nepřítelem, ale jednoho dne jsem se zeptala svého manžela, proč se to děje, a on mi ukázal, že všechny tyto oblasti mého života potřebují odpuštění a uzdravení. . Tak mě vedl na cestu, kde bych Mu předal každou vzpomínku / flashback, aby mi pomohl odpustit lidem nebo osobě. Chvíli to trvalo, ALE odměny byly úžasné, teď si na všechny ty události dokážu vzpomenout bez jakýchkoli emocí.
Chci se s vámi podělit o úžasný kurz, o kterém můžete hledat Boha, protože On je náš jediný pravý léčitel: https://loveatlast.org/hhm/
Chci také sdílet odkaz na knihu Vězení chválit:
Vidím, že vaším mateřským jazykem je čeština a On ji vložil do vašeho srdce, aby pomohl šířit Naděje mezi další dámy ve vaší češtině, přejděte prosím na https://rmiou.com/mlm/
Thank you Rosa for sharing this, at the beginning of my journey my thoughts and flasbacks was my biggest enemy, but one day I asked my Husband why this is happening, and He just showed me that all these areas of my live needs forgiveness and healing. So He led me on a journey where I would give every memory / flashback to Him to help me to forgive the people or person. It took a while, BUT the rewards was amazing, I can now think back on all those events without any emotion attached to it.
I want to share a amazing course with you that you can Seek God about because He is our only true Healer: https://loveatlast.org/hhm/
I also want to share the link to the Prison to Praise book: https://encouragingbookstore.com/recommended-reading/
I see you’re mother tongue is Czech, If He leads you to help spread Hope to other ladies in your LNG, please go to https://rmiou.com/mlm/
Thank you so much for your encouraging praise Rosa. I loved reading it. As you can see, my name is Yvonne and I am the Dean if IOU. I see your journals coming into our inbox and I am so excited to see a new language coming in. Your language must be closely related to Slovak.
Please talk to the Lord and if He leads you and hope with my whole He leads you, please visit
https://rmiou.com/ which is our online university and complete the form to become an apprentice. We would love to have you.
You can easily translate the whole page with the form by using the orange translate button.
Hoping to hear from you soon. 💖
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Dear Rosa,
thank you for sharing your journey with us. I can understand what you mean. Just like Adina, I also struggled with all the bad things and mistakes I made in my past. Also with the pain that others had caused me. But I can tell you that it is a good thing that it happens because every time you can tell these feelings to your Heavenly Husband, give your tears to Him. Now that I’ve moved on a few years, I still have flashbacks every now and then, but I don’t feel any pain anymore, I can even laugh about it sometimes.
These lessons have been very valuable to me
I’m sure they will be a blessing to you too.
2 Chronicles 7:12-16 MSG
[12-16] God appeared to Solomon that very night and said, “I accept your prayer; yes, I have chosen this place as a temple for sacrifice, a house of worship. If I ever shut off the supply of rain from the skies or order the locusts to eat the crops or send a plague on my people, and my people, my God-defined people, respond by humbling themselves, praying, seeking my presence, and turning their backs on their wicked lives, I’ll be there ready for you: I’ll listen from heaven, forgive their sins, and restore their land to health. From now on I’m alert day and night to the prayers offered at this place.
Much Love 🌹
sent from my Android phone 📲