Partner 💖 Promise for 2025

Hello all you wonderful, precious Partners—and those of you who will feel led to join us this year and become Partners! Today is October 7th and it's an exciting day for my family as well as my Ministry family—YOU! Every year, my children and I honor my mother, Grace McGovern, "Grammy," who left to be with the Lord 24 years ago.

You may remember reading the dedication to A Wise Woman. It was my mother who proofread everything I wrote (long before I knew anything I was doing would become chapters of a book) after loaning me her electric typewriter. As I said last year, my mother would circle so many things with her red ink, and often, as I'd add more to a "chapter," I'd hand it back to her to go through again and again. The funniest but the absolute most significant time was when I handed her "Contentious Woman," and she said, "This one again! I have no idea how many times I've done this one." Then, I knew what my Husband was up to and inwardly smiled. My parents had a wonderfully restored marriage but God used what she'd read over and over to change her so she was a wonderful "gentle and quiet spirit" as she cared for him at home before he passed away. Trust GOD to Restore Your Parents’ Marriage RYPM, which is one of the many books we are offering on EB in our Books 4 Youth section to give hope to children because I simply asked my Heavenly Father to please restore their marriage so my children could visit a Grammy and Papa who were together and He did.

New Year Promise 2025

“A voice is heard, mourning and great weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted because they are no more.” “Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded,” declares the LORD.

“Your children will return from the land of the enemy. So there is hope for your descendants,” declares the LORD. “Your children will return to their own land.”

2025 YCWR “Your Children Will Return” J3115

Be sure to open the link to the Partner Promise, which you can also find on the menu bar just below "Become a 💖 PARTNER," and take a moment to ask your Beloved Husband if and how this promise will impact you in 2025.

As always, I am honored to partner with each of you who are RMI's Partners “for such a time as this” “to preserve many people alive" and take this opportunity to personally THANK YOU for lovingly trusting us and investing your tithe and offering. Each of you makes up the Body— as we continue reaching out to more women (and men) around the world.

"I thank God for every remembrance of you.” ♥‿♥

MUCH MUCH LOVE to each of you!


“My Beloved is mine, and I am His”...“For I am lovesick.”  Song of Solomon 5:8, 2:16 


To each of you who are our LMF and have your own blog and partner page, as I mentioned last year, following my post, I hope to see each of you posting on October 8 or 9 and claim 8th "new beginnings" or 9th "the perfect movement of God" take your pick. 

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