♕ Today's Promise: “For I am the LORD your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’” Isaiah 41:13
Dear Brides, we are all afraid to face trials and tribulations in our lives but mostly because we think that all that goes wrong is a "punishment" or the consequences of something we did that the enemy took advantage to defeat us. Well, let me give you some good news, because by reading this Living the Abundant Life Chapter 1 "Could this be His Plan?" you will start understanding that many of the things that we go through are on God's Plan and they are for our good.
Give yourself the opportunity to discover this treasure so you can start enjoying all the blessings originated by trusting God in all circumstances. You won't regret, your life will start to change immediately.
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” Hebrews 11:1.
“For we walk by faith, not by sight...” 2 Corinthians 5:7.
This is important to me, because many times in my life I used to try to control all the details and solve all the situations, however the Lord has taught me that he does whatever He wants in our lives and it is much easier to wait and trust Him than spend our energies trying to fix something that usually turns wrong.
Only by different trials, I have understood that you need to trust 100% on Him. Talk to Him as He was your closest friend and share all your fears with Him.
I have realized that it is not easy to depend only on Him as our human nature would like to see all solved immediately, but while on this process, we end up to be exhausted and most of the times we finish crying out to be heard.
A year ago I travelled to USA and lost my passport with the only cash I had for my trip, the very same day of my arrival. I used to travel often years before and I am usually very careful with all documents, however this happened. I was scared but although I had to cry to let go all my disappointment, my friend was surprised of the peace and tranquility I had after such an event. I decided to trust God that this was for my good and blocked all thoughts about the enemy trying to steal this from me.
Our HH is awesome and He knows how to use us to speak to others. When I started the journey, I could never picture myself talking to others on about the Word and Jesus, but He has answered my prayer of being His tool in other's life. He has always open a window, sometimes its a door to start sharing His blessings with others. I keep praying to always be aware of the perfect moment to share His Word.
Lord, I believe I still have to focus more on your Word. I know it will be hard for me to learn by heart the verses and I am grateful because the technology helps me a lot to find always what I know is in your Word but it is difficult for me to remember. I am still have troubles to keep my mouth completely closed as much as I would like to. I think this is a process but I am afraid that I should pay more attention to it and repeat to myself that we need to be in agreement all the time.
Let’s pray: Lord, I feel so blessed to see the different ways you show me your Love. I am so glad you finally made me turn my eyes to You. Please keep my eyes wide open to your Word, your Truth, your promises. I know that trials will always arrive to my life so I ask you to give me enough wisdom to keep my heart and my faith focused on you and only you.
This year I have seen how my heart has healed and I can feel all that peace that can only be given by you. Thank you my sweet Love for protect me.
I would love to humble my heart to you and understand that everything I do is only possible because you are the one doing it through me. Show me everyday the person, the women, the daughter, the wife and the human being you would like me to be so I can show to others without words your greatness.
Thank you, thank you and thank you for sending me all those angels every time that I have needed them. Thank you for keeping me healthy, for providing me food, a roof and clothes when we are surrounded by so many in need.
Dear Brides, when we keep our eyes focused in our Lord (Beloved), and share with him all our troubles, fears, disappointments and joys, he will make us understand how much he loves us and how much he wants us to be ready to Live that Abundant Life he has given us as a gift just because we are his Brides.
The road is difficult, nobody said this would be easy, but the sooner to start trusting Him completely, the sooner you will find yourself immersed into this transformation from where you would never want to come back.
Our happiness is in our heart. God created us to be happy and help others. As we grow spiritually, we understand that the world brings with it many concerns that make us lose ourselves from enjoying all those blessings that God gives us daily so that we may live fully in Abundant Life.
By reading this book you will discover how to start enjoying and understanding more easily that life that our beloved wants to give you.
~ Poppy in Costa Rica
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