Peace that surpasses all understanding,

King James Bible
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.


My dear wives,
Throughout our journey of restoration, we have faced storms, violent winds, and overwhelming waters. But in every trial, we turned to our beloved. He has made us His bride and continues to guide us each day.

Day by day, we discover an abundant source from which we can draw, an endless source that renews our trust and accompanies us throughout our lives.

We have made mistakes, and He has always restored us. We have gone through seasons of drought, poverty, and lack, but He has always provided for our needs according to His great riches. He has restored our relationships, and our children have witnessed His grace and goodness. There are so many blessings to nameβ€”songs of love, promises, acts of kindness… and a growing gratitude in our hearts and so on .

But what I have discovered above all is the peace that surpasses all understanding, as Philippians 4:7 says. A divine peace that guards our hearts and minds in our beloved. A peace that, even in the midst of storms, transcends everything we can't understand or imagine. A peace that does not depend on circumstances or trials, but comes directly from the heart of God.

This peace is what I carry deep within me. It is the proof of His constant presence, of His infinite love. He is truly the best of husbands.

It’s been a year since I began this journey… Oh, how I love this path, discovering it more each day. My greatest compliment, I reserve for Him alone.

2 thoughts on “Peace that surpasses all understanding,”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Kateleen, yes it is for sure proof of His constant presence, He is really the Best ever!!! I am so very grateful for all his grace, love and yes peace that surpasses all understand.

  2. Oh dear Kateleen, I recognize the deep peace you have in your heart. I often look back at the journey I have already made with Him. I look back with a look full of wonder, joy and deep peace. It is wonderful to know that He will also lead us for the rest of our lives and that this deep peace with Him and His love will always remain with us.

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