
"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." M548

Today I want to praise my Beloved for how beautiful he continues to work in my heart. Today I especially want to share a matter that my Husband brought to my mind. To contextualize, I want to tell you that I always tried to be "perfect", I paid attention to details, no matter how "insignificant" they might seem, such as the folds in my school skirt, I always tried to make them perfectly shaped and even when I sat down looked perfect, today I can see that this was the way to keep my sepulcher whitewashed... I concentrated a lot on my exterior looking perfect because I believed that this compensated for my internal weaknesses, those of the character of the heart, and what I thought of myself. I thought that I was not the type of person with charisma that would easily make friends or that could be pleasant to people, deep down I recognized my spiritual poverty and the weaknesses of my personality, so that is why I think I took so much care of my external appearance.

This came to me during my time working with my Heavenly Husband while we were making the logo for eFilm Studios when they let me know that I had done something wrong (even if it was tiny) it hurt me a lot because it connected everything I did with who I was, but my Beloved has taught me who I am in HIM and freed me from —insane— perfectionism. An example of this is that it has led me to see that my mistakes are an opportunity to grow and learn, especially with this task, my Beloved allowed me to see the changes He has made in my heart because when I received a comment from Erin about a procedural error I was able to see it in a positive way and not negatively like I used to, I saw it as an opportunity to do something different for the next opportunity and I appreciated when He made me see that I didn't feel sorrow this time, but rather take it as a STOP to see where to turn on the road I'm going.

Do not get me wrong, when we sin it is natural that we feel affliction and conviction of sin, from which we can free ourselves once we repent and ask our Husband for forgiveness, but the guilt doesn't come from HIM nor is it the way He wants it to be. Let's remain, and that is exactly what I constantly felt, guilt that persisted and only He could free me from those feelings and He did!!! I am happy about this and I share with you how happy it makes me feel free.

God says that we are perfect but that doesn't have to be a burden, He reminds me of these verses:

"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect [engaged, fully His] toward Him. " 2C169

“But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning" R1423

With them He makes me know that what He wants is for me to be perfect from the heart, even when I fall for the attempt if I have acted with my heart confident that what I do is in accordance with what I believe He led me, then he He will rescue me from my mistakes and show me the way to follow, as he did with the Apostle Paul, so I rejoice in the freedom that He has given me and I encourage you not to fear but to have faith in Him.

If you struggle with constant guilt I would like to share these lessons that have helped me so much: 

wLL 4 “Convicted

wLL 5 “Cover-Up

wLL 6 “Accuser

~Anastasia, Spanish LMF 🇪🇸

4 thoughts on “Perfect”

  1. Oh Anastasia how exciting 🤩 to hear you’re on a similar journey. Doing everything to perfection or feeling guilty wondering what went wrong and trying to get it perfect was exhausting and robbed me of so much joy. What my Husband used to get my attention when the HHM journey began was to point out if I held these standards for myself I would be the example for everyone else—especially women I loved dearly—like you.

    It began with my deep love for a DIL and I determined NOT to wear makeup so she could see it doesn’t matter, she could relax and know she’s beautiful without.

    This healing from perfection expands and reaches into every area of my life. So I’m asking our readers if they too are plagued with this to comment and share their story.
    NOT SURPRISINGLY just yesterday, yesterday my Husband led me to finish a chapter I’d been perfecting and posted it as praise.

    If we get a good amount of response, I believe it will mean we need a chapter written and your testimony will help it begin—so many who are imprisoned can be set free. 🤗💗🤗💗

    1. Wow Erin, what a nice coincidence! Surprisingly in my case it also started with my physical appearance specifically my journey of restoring my health which I will share more of in my RJN “Washed Seven Times”. Many ladies struggle with perfectionism in their physical appearance, seems like an epidemic these days. If it helps anything here is the link to the post in Spanish where the ladies will also comment:

      I followed the link to read the chapter that you were perfecting, but my Beloved told is not my time to read it yet, so I hope to read it when He leds me.

  2. I remembered me being a young girl and then a teenager who always compares herself with my dearest sister. Many times we have talked about this, but while reading I realize that the idea of ​​being perfect goes not only further but also extended in my mind-set.
    Those ‘insignificant details’ were the constant target I tried to follow. Our mom used to highlight the good, the perfect and the nice things you did. And being sisters, living together and having enormous differences, pushed me to be jealous.
    That feeling is not chasing me any more. I give up to pretend to be a perfect person I am not and probably the most important thing is that I can not copy you to please others. My Dear Father makes me special, unique and indeed those details I couldn’t follow made me laugh and smile today.
    Thanks for setting me free dear Love. Thank you for protecting our sistership. Thanks for showing us that you are the Only perfect one and we can be perfect as You are by your Holy Spirit.
    Additionally, I praise the Lord for your healing process in all areas. I am more than happy for you. Reading this reminds me how long He has led you. I can testify about the renewed person you are. 😍🙌💖

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