Power of prayer: “Keep My Words”

"My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye" Proverbs 7:1-2

On my journey, I learned that prayer at the beginning should be a discipline because when the trip begins we are generally not β€œaccustomed” to praying but only in times of greatest need. During the great crisis, we determined to pray every day. Yet, we feel sleepy and exhausted, more work arises... and we allow the cares of this life to distance us from our Lord who wants to sow the seed of love in our hearts and Water it until it grows and produces a lot of fruit.

In my journey, I went through that stage where I felt exhausted, many times I did not want to pray but my Beloved reminded me that I needed it if I did not pray I would not see progress in my life. So I tried hard because at that time my eyes were set on what I considered to be the goal of my life β€œmarriage restoration”, it kept me motivated, but when things went wrong and there were tests that motivation was insufficient, however, When I could understand He is the award and my future with HIM is my goal I had greater motivation. At that time my prayers were full of the promises HE had given me, many times begging Him for those promises until I understood HE had already released the word in the spiritual [His promise], and just as HE says, β€œhe spoke and β€œit was created” [heaven, earth, etc. It does not say will create, it says I believe in present tense], likewise I believe HE releases His word over my life and it is already in action spiritually, so I stopped asking for the same thing every day and went on to thank Him because He had already given His order and I believed the angels were carrying out His orders on my behalf.

After I was restored to HIM and subsequently my marriage, I went through a period of passivity, I stopped being on the offensive against the enemy, worshiping my Beloved for the promises fulfilled on the spiritual plane β€”and then on the physical planeβ€” to move on to stay on the defensive, just leaning on my Beloved's arm, letting HIM fight, but without my support. At that moment I thought that not begging him was stopping reminding him of his promises. I listened to Him and told Him everything I thought and happened to me, I left my problems in His hands, they no longer mattered to me because He would take care of them. He gave me His promises and that was enough for me, I left Him alone with the matter without talking to him more about it. In this, I observed sometime later that I did not appreciate His promises when the most loving thing as His Bride is to praise Him [in faith] for His way of working on my problems through the promise given.

After a while, I began to feel aimless and my relationship with HIM felt somewhat cold, I had this vision that I was a boat in the middle of the ocean without a fixed direction, like a castaway, just waiting for the waves to take me to my destination, but what ship can reach its destination without a rudder and engine? none. Those are the ones who are shipwrecked, if they are lucky and someone finds them they are rescued but if not they simply perish. It was when my Beloved told me I should remember where I was going, but how? He said His promises are my destiny [the promised land to conquer] my tongue is the engine of the boat and my love for HIM [motivation] is the engine, so I needed to remember His promises daily so that I would take the road again command of the helm and thus cooperate with my Beloved Husband in His plan for my life, so we both β€œwork” in His plan and not HIM alone.

I want to tell you it was difficult for me to regain control of the helm. I once again felt like I did at the beginning with difficulties in disciplining myself but for Him everything is possible and HE Himself was in charge of motivating me and helping me. Today I praise Him because He has taught me this valuable lesson, which is also a way to love Him and value His promises. If He has given them to me, one way to treasure them is to remember them every day and marvel at His power to carry out those promises.

It is something similar to when we treasure family memories in photos and we like to go see them and remember the beautiful times... Likewise, I believe prayer with expectation works, we treasure those photos that we see in our imagination of what He says will be our future when His promises are manifest on the physical plane, so we embrace them, we savor them and we sigh as we remember His power of salvation, we rejoice because HE already has a date for that miracle and He has already won. We rejoice in remembering that HE is faithful and His angels are working on it, we "encourage Him" with our praise [like cheerleaders encourage their sports teams], and our relationship grows and strengthens as much as our faith!

That, my dears, is how He has guided me to maintain my relationship with HIM more lovingly, a balanced relationship in which I receive and give love, in which I listen to Him and do not leave Him alone with work as they say β€œit's just your problem now” but I rejoice in His promises to me, in what He tells me and I keep worshiping Him with confidence and expectation as He works on them. I encourage you to seek that balance in your relationship with your Husband, to listen to Him and respond to His promises with encouragement, praise, adoration, and confidence because HE is faithful and powerful while He is working on what He promised.

10 thoughts on “Power of prayer: “Keep My Words””

  1. Dear Anastasia, I recognize what you write about prayer from my own life. I also went through a period where my prayer consisted of just asking and pleading for the things I wanted so much. I was afraid that if I didn’t attack Him with my prayers, He wouldn’t do anything. I am so grateful that I have learned through this ministry that the promises He tells us in His word will actually come in His time. We must trust Him, He does what He promises. I now also experience peace in my life by simply thanking Him for everything He promises to do. Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony.

    1. Thank you dear Hanna, it is true, praying in gratitude gives us a lot of peace. I am glad you are experiencing it that way πŸ™‚

  2. Anastasia I loved where you said: “a balanced relationship in which I receive and give love,” A nice balanced relationship. πŸ’–

    1. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding the narrow path, but I’m starting to realize that it’s about finding balance in each area, not going too far from one extreme to the other, or as Erin mentions in a Living Lesson, from one Ditch to the other.

  3. Dear Anastasia thank you for this praise. I can relate to so much of what your shared, but what really stood out for me was: “When I could understand He is the award and my future with HIM is my goal I had greater motivation.” At the beginning of my journey I thought my reward would be restoration and receiving what I wanted, but over the course of my journey I learned that our ultimate reward is our Beloved Lord and being restored to Him. Our true reward has eternal value.

    1. It is amazing how HE transforms our thoughts, Adina. Once our heart changes, change happens faster. Only HE could make my priorities and goals change. It is only HE who gives us a heart of flesh, tender and soft for HIM.

  4. I understand how busy and exhausting life can be, making it easy to get caught up in the world’s worries. Your experience of feeling aimless and then regaining control of the helm is relatable. There have been times that I have felt tired and did not want to pray. However, we know that prayer is crucial in our relationship with our Beloved. When we focus on Him, everything else falls into place. When He speaks, it happens.

    1. Dear Hope, in my experience I realized that I had a hard time praying and sometimes I didn’t want to do it because I saw the Lord far away from me. He was up there in heaven and I was here on earth with my problems. Also, since HE wasn’t my first love, he was rather someone I needed for what he could give me, since my eyes were on someone else… You know… if that person would have told me I’ll wait for you every day at 3 AM so we can talk about our relationship, wow, I definitely would have done it at that moment because all I wanted was for that relationship to be restored, so even if it cost me to get up, I would do it, for love… When HE made me see it like that, was when I understood that is exactly what my Beloved wanted from me, that kind of adoration for Him [that I call loving Him with all my strength]. now if He tells me “you know, I would like to talk to you alone, calmly, without interruptions, to tell you about my plans with you, to show you the future I have for you so that you can get to know me and fall in love with me” I would find a place for HIM and I would give MYSELF the privilege of spending that time with HIM. Now I can believe that whoever wants can. Whoever loves will have the necessary motivation to do what is asked. Like a loving mother, she does whatever it takes to protect her baby.

  5. Thank you for sharing precious Anastasia, I can so relate to what you are saying. I remember when my spouse left me and my prayers consisted of begging, pleading and crying before the Lord because all I wanted was a restored marriage. Now that I look back I have to admit, I remember that I did most of the talking and didn’t give my Darling Lord much chance to talk to me, but wow He was so very very patient with me. Isn’t our Darling Lord just the best because He takes us on a journey to the point of a balanced relationship, like you put it, everything at the right time, at a pace He has planned out for us.
    When I think back now I hoped my Darling Lord will answer my prayers, but it is so comforting now because I know He will answer it according to His will (something that I really struggled with, was to give over to His will, but He is showing me more and more His will is really the best) which includes plans to prosper me and now harm me.

    1. It’s true Janine, He is SO patient with us, I can see how much He loves us and how HE is truly the definition of love!! Wow, just thinking about it makes me feel wonderfully loved!! I too hoped that HE would answer my prayers and in my way, but I have realized that I have more peace by letting go of control and sticking to His plans which are undoubtedly much wiser and better than mine!

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