Praise Him In The Storms

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." P150:6Β 

I know it's no coincidence that I read Living Lesson 68 - Praise In The Storms now, because the last few days I've been feeling somewhat down and it feels like there's a storm raging around me with the things that are going wrong. I know now it is our Darling Lord leading me to praise Him in the middle of the storm.

Please read this part taken out of Living Lesson 68:

So we need to keep our focus on Him, we need to stay under His umbrella, under His wings of protection so that we don't miss out (which is right in front of us) and to look for all the good that is coming at us during these really difficult times. Because this is it and we're going to be blessed in the midst of it β€œall things work together for good” because β€œwe love God” because we're β€œcalled according to His purpose as His bride.Β 

Precious woman does it feel like you are in the middle of a storm right now? Keep your focus on our precious Beloved Lord and praise Him in the storm.

2 thoughts on “Praise Him In The Storms”

  1. In recent weeks, I’ve been feeling down for no clear reason. I’ve prayed for guidance and understanding. Thank you for reminding me to praise Him through all circumstances, good or bad. He will guide us through it. πŸ’•

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