Promise WednesdayπŸ™Œ

"For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us." 2 Corinthians 1:20

Precious brides, I want to encourage you to come here every Wednesday to share the promises that your Heavenly Husband has given you, on "Promise WednesdayπŸ™Œ" so that it can encourage other brides.

Share and bless other brides with the promise our wonderful Husband gave you today:

1) Talk to your Heavenly Husband, your Creator and ask Him what promise you should share.

2) Keep it short, remember it is a dose of encouragement that may need to be read quickly in a time of crisis.

3) If you can, post the link to the text where the promise is that you shared.

Read the Daily Devotionals to start your day in His presence:

10 thoughts on “Promise WednesdayπŸ™Œ”

  1. β€œWhen you pass through the waters, I am with you; when you pass through the rivers, they will not wash you away; when you pass through the fire, you will not be consumed, nor will the flame burn you up. For I, the Lord, am your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Redeemer;… ” Isaiah 43:2

    “The Lord’s intimacy is with those who fear Him,
    and his covenant he makes known to them.” Psalm 25:14

    1. Amen amen
      Merci Seigneur ta parole me reconforte.
      Amen amen
      Thank you Lord your word comforts me.

  2. This morning I woke up with this lyrics on my heart:
    When I am anxious
    When I am afraid
    I take it to God
    I call on His Name

    If the mover of mountains
    Is listening to me
    Why should I worry?
    Why should I fear anything?

    For I know the plans He has for me
    Yes, I know the plans He has for me
    For my good
    To give me a hope and a future

    When I am waiting
    For His promise to come
    Sometimes He is silent
    But I’m never alone

    He walks in the valley
    He quiets the storm
    He stands in the fire
    So why should I fear anymore

    ‭Jeremiah 29:11 NIV‬

    [11] For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, β€œplans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  3. ‘Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen. ‘
    Hebrews 11:1

    “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for the one who comes to God must believe that He exists, and that He proves to be One who rewards those who seek Him.”

    ‘I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. ‘
    Philippians 4:13

  4. “Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” C3:14

    Please read how beautiful is this promise in the Amplified Bible:
    “Beyond all these things put on and wrap yourselves in [unselfish] love, which is the perfect bond of unity [for everything is bound together in agreement when each one seeks the best for others].” C3:14

  5. Apocalypse 6:2
    Louis Segond
    2 Je regardai, et voici, parut un cheval blanc. Celui qui le montait avait un arc; une couronne lui fut donnΓ©e, et il partit en vainqueur et pour vaincre.

    Amen amen

    Merci Mon Roi…. Nous te courronnons
    “I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.” R6:2

    Amen amen

    Thank you My King…. We crown you

  6. 1 Pedro 5:6-10
    Almeida Revista e Corrigida 2009
    6 Humilhai-vos, pois, debaixo da potente mão de Deus, para que, a seu tempo, vos exalte, 7 lançando sobre ele toda a vossa ansiedade, porque ele tem cuidado de vós.

    1 Peter 5:6-10
    Almeida Revised and Corrected 2009
    6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that in his time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.

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