♕Today's Promise: “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7
Meagan, how did your Restoration Journey actually begin?
Well actually I have been married for 11 years and the year before in September my husband Ricardo began to change in a way that I did not understand, we worked together and he no longer brought me home but said he had to do something else and I had to return home in another vehicle. On weekends he left home early and came home at night. He no longer wanted to be with me nor did he take me where I was going, then I discovered that he was going to the house of a friend of his. She appeared for the month of July, she had a 7-year-old daughter with whom Ricardo had become attached since we do not have children. By the month of November the situation became unbearable, Ricardo seemed like another person. Nobody at work recognized it. I wanted to quit my job and go work somewhere else but I was thinking about how much money I could earn if the deals I was working on worked out.
In November I decided to talk to Ricardo, which was not a good idea since he told me that he didn't love me anymore and possibly he never loved me, that everything we had lived in 10 years was a lie, he insinuated that I had forced him to marry me, that he wanted to be a father, he blamed me for all his frustrations to which I was scared. I blamed the church where we attended, as he was determined to separate from me.
After a few weeks we saw the credit card bills and the loans that we had and that we were paying, to which he got angry and told me more harsh things indicating that because of me we were in debt and that I was the worst thing that had happened in his life. He decided to sleep in the living room and always told me that he was going to separate from me. At this time he was still going out with his friend and her daughter and every time it was stranger. I did not know what to do, I was desperate, friends from the church gave me a lot of advice which did not work. I prayed desperately without an answer, my pain was deep and I spent every day crying.
I talked to some relatives who were pastors of a church, who came to talk to us and there Ricardo expressed all the hatred he felt for me and that he no longer wanted to be with me, there my cousin told him that he would give him 40 days to think if he wanted a reconciliation. I kept praying and looking for help. I talked to another Pastor friend who reassured me a lot, he was in favor of reconciliation. For the month of January almost in the last week by chance I found a testimony of marriage restoration of your ministry which impacted me and I saw that God was giving me hope despite everything that the rest of the people said. I began to follow the page and follow the courses. Despite being a Christian for about 26 years, the Lord took me to another level in my relationship with Him.
How did God change your situation, Meagan, as you sought Him wholeheartedly?
I began to follow the principles that are taught in the book and although sometimes it was difficult since I worked with Ricardo. My beloved HH helped me and He would get me up every time I wanted to give up. He taught me to be patient, to trust in Him, to believe that everything is possible, Ricardo's heart began to soften towards me, I began to read the material, the devotional books and the Lord began to change the situation.
What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), did the Lord teach you during this trial, Meagan?
There were many, keeping quiet was the hardest thing and letting go… phew that was really hard, not calling or looking for him, not telling him my problems, winning without a word, accepting my situation and being happy.
What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Meagan?
When Ricardo told me that he no longer wanted anything to do with me and that he did not even want reconciliation. When I had to arrange travel from my work in another transport since due to the pandemic there was not much transport to take, when I knew that I was going to see him.
Meagan, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?
The crucial moment was when I prayed to the Lord and gave everything to Him, I asked Him to help me be happy with my situation and I told Him that I accepted His will and that only He could perform miracles.
Tell us HOW it happened, Meagan? Did Ricardo just walk in the front door? Meagan, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?
Two weeks before his return Ricardo began to call me and help me with transportation to work without my asking him. One afternoon he called me and we began to talk about what was happening with our situation. He told me that he saw that I was calm in the middle of everything that was happening and I told him that I was calm. Then he began to explain to me what had happened with his friend and her daughter and told me that he could not be with her since he was a married man.
Then one Monday he called me at night since there was a vehicle restriction due to the pandemic and he told me that he was going to come home since he couldn't get to his mother's house, which was where he was living. I told him that it was fine, when he arrived I fed him and then we started talking quietly. He was sleeping on the sofa in the living room so I offered him the blankets and he said no, he asked me if he could sleep in our bed and I told him yes. Since that day I didn't know if he was going to be there just for those days or if he was already staying. At work he already started calling me his wife in front of everyone and being more aware of me. That weekend he told me that he decided to stay home and try again and I told him that it was fine. I know that the Lord is still doing his perfect work in Ricardo. I pray that he will have a personal encounter with my HH (Heavenly Husband) and come to love him as much as I do.
Not really as a lot of things looked like they were moving towards restoration but then it was like going backwards and then I couldn't see, but it happened all of a sudden.
Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Meagan?
The book How God Wants and Will Restore Marriage was the main material I read and listened to so many times, the courses they offer and all the material that is on the RMI page helped me so much and it was finding my answers to many questions that I always had.
Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Meagan?
Yes I'd like to.
Either way, Meagan, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?
Dear ladies, the Lord is the one who does and undoes things, there is no one more powerful than Him, in His hand is the heart of your earthly husband and only He can return it. If you approach the eternal Father and deliver everything you are to Him and you give Him your heart and your wishes and desires and let Him transform you, your HH will not disappoint you. He will make himself known and you will love Him with all your heart, soul and mind, and He will make your situation turn around in an instant.
Do not lose hope because everything is in the hands of our beloved HH (Heavenly Husband), nothing and no one can alter anything that He has already said, we are under his will and his powerful hand, and he loves us so much that he allowed this so that we realize that his love is more infinite than the love of a man. If He is your everything, He will give you back what you lost and He will add even more of His blessings to you.