RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “I Couldn’t Take the Pain Anymore, the Shame and the Hatred for Everything”

♕Today's Promise: “For the Lord has called you, like a wife deserted and wounded in spirit, a wife of one's youth when she is rejected,” says your God.” Isaiah 54:6


Ava, how did your Restoration Journey actually begin?

It all started 5 years ago, when I got pregnant and at 8 months of pregnancy my baby died and I had a cesarean section to remove it. As I was on medication, my husband Mason at the time took care of everything. With this loss I went to look for God in the church, but my husband wanted to go out to parties and places so as not to think about it. And I wanted to stay at home, so the disputes, fights, betrayals began, and we came back and broke up more than 10 times. When I started going to services and understanding the word, I became a Pharisee. I only saw Mason's sins, and wanted him to change, go to services with me, was bossy, always had the last word in everything, and worked away from home all day and so did Mason. I didn't know how to cook anything, I did anything, in my free time I went to church and Mason to football. Anyway, it was a lot of mess in our life. Neither of us had a marriage example, so as much as we wanted to get it right, we didn't know how. It was when Mason left home again, that I couldn't take the pain anymore, the shame and the hatred for everything that I decided to search for something on the internet, for marriage advice, about 1 and a half years ago I found RMI.

How did God change your situation, Ava, as you sought Him wholeheartedly?

When I started taking the courses and reading the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage and a Wise Woman I began to see that I knew nothing about marriage, God, Church.

I read and reread and I'm rereading, taking the courses and I started to have an intimate relationship with God. Praying, fasting, waking up at dawn to seek him and fill myself with his presence, I gave up everything I thought was correct and started to seek in the word of God what he had to teach me. The more pain and suffering, the more I sought my HH (Heavenly Husband).

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), did the Lord teach you during this trial, Ava?

The main principles I started with immediately after reading the book were: Don't run after Mason and to find out what he was doing, delete my social media, stop all discussions with him, respond meekly and calmly when I have the opportunity to talk to him. Sometimes it was hard to contain myself, but I looked for my HH, who gave me strength and that lying and selfish feeling and the hatred placed by the enemy went away and I spoke as the Holy Spirit directed me.

I humbled myself many times to the Lord, crying out for mercy and forgiveness, for having made so many mistakes, even knowing his principles, I began to meditate on the word of God while God worked on my cause, I became silent and had no more plans, I left everything with God. I made 3x5 cards of my favorite verses, and prayers with the word of God. I started to use only faith and started to be for God what he wanted me to be.

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Ava?

The most difficult moments besides seeing Mason with the OW (other woman) that helped him see that he still loved me and that he didn't want a divorce, were the days when I got home after work and Mason wasn't there, I missed him so much and I felt sadness, I didn't want to make food, I wanted to watch TV next to Mason.

Ava, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?

The turning point was when I started to pray and seek the Lord's will and wanted to let go of Mason, I no longer cared about when our marriage would be restored, I gave up everything, my life, to live the dreams of God. I left the job where I was, which was not God's will, and I started to have time for my HH, for myself, my home.

I put my Lord first in my life, and I began to rest in Him.

My life began to attract the attention of Mason, who began to come looking for me.

Tell us HOW it happened, Ava? Did Mason just walk in the front door? Ava, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?

When Mason started looking for me, he saw that I was calm, calmer, loving, I didn't fight anymore, and I didn't go after him. I always waited for him to look for me, when he was at home, I let God lead everything, not him. I attracted him with everything he asked me to do before leaving the house and I didn't do it, food, a clean and organized house, I talked to him listening to everything he had to say to me. I started to agree instead of oppose. And that's how it went for a year and a half, I made a few mistakes, but I made a big mistake, I even told Mason that I didn't want to see him anymore, that he was single, and that he shouldn't come home anymore, in those moments I humiliated myself a lot. I fasted and looked to my Lord for opportunities to fix what I messed up. And he was faithful. It was at this point that Mason sent a message saying that I was not supposed to give up on him, that nothing he said would diminish what he had done for me, that I was amazing and that he loved me very much, that he had tried to take his own life, but God did not allow it. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

The other day, he sent another message saying that he needed to resolve our life and it would have to be as soon as possible. I replied saying we could talk. So he went home, said he wanted to come home, and he did.

Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Ava?

I highly recommend all the courses and books of this ministry. All are very precious and have transformed my inner self.

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Ava?


Either way, Ava, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?


A restoration involves a deep relationship with the Most High, even so that we can withstand the trials that will come and not fall into the enemy’s traps.

The more you pursue this relationship with God, the more He will transform you and your husband. Meditate on the word of God day and night, apply the principles, pray and fast, for you and then for your marriage, the rest leave to our HH (Heavenly Husband). He will do the work. I always thought about divorce, but after meeting my HH and seeing what he was doing for me, reading his word, I could be sure that what he wants is the restoration of lives, souls, and marriages.

1 thought on “RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “I Couldn’t Take the Pain Anymore, the Shame and the Hatred for Everything”

  1. Dear bride, The marriage testimonies are one of the most encouraging tools to build and maintain my faith and trust in my Lord. I enjoy reading the stories posted here every Saturday to encourage and learn from for myself. From this testimony I have taken the moment when the bride has made the decision not to give anymore or to think about the moment when her marriage will be restored. But to give up everything for the Lord. Even though I thought I had given up everything. This is the second time I’ve been drawn to such a comment from a bride who has experienced a Restoration marriage. I believe my marriage will be restored but when, only my Lord knows. In the meantime He has now given me more rest to do other things for Him. I love how He always gives me peace when my spirit is restless within me 💞.

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