Alison, how did your restoration actually begin?
My journey began exactly two years ago when my husband decided to leave me, and he took everything he had with him—all his clothes in the closet—in short, everything that was his was gone when I woke up one morning. But I wasn't that concerned, because prior to this (when he'd been angry) there were many comings and goings for him to blow off steam. In fact, this happened maybe twenty or thirty times over the course of our marriage. This time, it was a huge blow, because it happened only two months after I lost my mother and father in a car accident.
I was a new believer, trusting Him after the loss of my parents when I was able to find peace. After losing my parents, and especially after I found the Lord as my Saviour, my marriage went from bad to worse, with many more betrayals on his part that added to everything I was going through. It was when I could no longer stand the pain that I sought and gave my life to my Saviour, and I sincerely thought that everything would be resolved overnight. But it was a huge assumption on my part. Everything became complicated!
My mother had died; my father was gone; my children were taken from me to live with relatives, and suddenly my husband left. Altogether, due to the immense pain, I thought I'd go crazy. That's when I began looking for help and when I found the RMI. Like so many testimonies, I also read the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, in two days. Then I began a deep intense study, going through all your free online courses. Although it was my marriage that led me here when I arrived all I wanted was to know everything! I wanted to know about a Husband who would never leave or forsake me and love that would heal the pain that I thought would be my undoing. And so it was, with much crying, much pain, my journey began.
How did God change your situation, Alison, as you sought Him wholeheartedly?
The transformation began when I let myself be carried by the hands of my God--when I met and became the bride of my Beloved. When His company was enough for me; that’s when I realized that He made me happy, that it was only His love that I needed. I delighted in the presence of the Lord! I opened my eyes each morning with anticipation, rather than dread or fear. Rather than recoil to face another day, I waited with joy for each event that I knew awaited me, a gift from my Lover! I knew He would do the miracle, miracles, in my life! In the eyes of the world, my earthly husband was living in another state with OW, and he was "happy." Adding to my losses, even his relatives turned their backs on me, when we had been very close since we were very small.
But I said to my God, “My Beloved, HH, I am happy in Your company, and I do not believe in appearances; Your Word says that the adulterous woman will become bitter like wormwood and that there is no peace where You do not live.”
What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Alison, did the Lord teach you during this trial?
The principles were to Let Go of Your Church, so we can make our Saviour our Heavenly Husband, in order to find rest for our souls. Once you have this, you have everything you could need or want, and it’s when you can let go of everything because nothing else compares. I wanted to “extract the precious from the worthless” (Jeremiah 15:19, NASB).
What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Alison?
The hardest moments during my journey was when his family turned their backs on me because they were the only family I had. Of course, not having my children with me was also hugely difficult. What drove me to discover this journey is when my EH found and began flaunting the OW when I was in such pain. I felt not only the loss of my husband—but immense loss for my children and his entire family. It was very painful, but the Lord, my Husband, sustained me.
Alison, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?
The turning point happened after I'd let go of the church, and God used a sister who'd come to see me in my home because she said God had spoken to her and told her to go and tell me. She said, God, said, "Tell my servant that I am taking that man out of the filth and the mire, and I am bringing him home because that is how I do it; I honor those who honor Me and believe in Me."
She said that she knew it was for me when God spoke because everyone had been talking and praying for me, ever since I'd left the church in order to gain a stronger relationship with the Lord. She arrived unannounced, coming from the evening service and drove over that same night.
As Erin says, prophecy, someone saying they have a word for you, is only true when it confirms what He already has spoken to us. This was exactly what He'd been telling me for weeks, so I knew that it was He who had sent this messenger—even though I didn't need Him to send anyone, because I'd heard it from His own mouth, from His own Word.
Then the very next day, at noon, my husband called and told my son that he was leaving the OW. He said, call your mom and tell her we’re all coming home.
Tell us HOW it happened, Alison. Did your husband just walk in the front door? Alison, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?
When my son called me, I was more startled by the fact that my son contacted me than by what he called to tell me—that my whole family was returning home. However, it was a full month after this call from my son that my restoration happened.
A week after I heard nothing and no one came, my EH called saying he wanted a divorce. He said he wanted it because he'd been away from home for almost two years, and he couldn't see how this would work. I'd read both Facing Divorce and Facing Divorce, Again, so I was prepared to be enthusiastic and agree, so I said, "Divorce is fine with me if that will make you happy. Just let me know when you need me to sign." Instead of him filing for divorce, just as the course says will happen, he started calling me and saying that he wanted his family back; he wanted our family together; he never once stopped thinking about us as what made him happy.
So two years, two months and two days from when I'd lost my family, they returned home. It wasn't easy at first, but I had my HH, so I was determined He would remain first in my life and heart. I would often go off to be with Him, and it was easy to tell I "had" a Lover.
Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Alison?
I recommend RMI and all your resources to everyone. I recommend this ministry to someone every single day, and I bring it up with whomever I am speaking to. I open my phone and show them where to go to find healing of every sort. Most people in our community know what I went through and are amazed by the woman I am today.
I thank Erin from the bottom of my heart for sharing her journey with us and setting us off on a path where we find much more than restoration for our marriages. Finding my Lover is what I'd always missed and what I hope each woman who comes here finds.
After my Saviour and my Heavenly Husband, it is Erin who is responsible for all the good that God has done to me, by the ways she lovingly guides us and points us to His Word and having a relationship with Him. No church does that; it's all so perfect.
I have no doubt that Erin is an angel that God put here for each of us, to help us and give us courage. “God, please reward Erin; I know that there is a very special heavenly mansion You have prepared for her and that one day she will live in the largest one, in order to entertain all of those she's helped.”
“Erin, you have accumulated unimaginable treasures in heaven, souls that are no longer weeping but are devoted to their Husband in a way no one else explains. The Lord is pleased with you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
So sisters, believe me; believe that God is faithful; He will watch over you and will fulfill His Word.
Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Alison?
Yes. I'm interested in helping other women.
Either way, Alison, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?
Never speak badly about anyone; do not socialize; give this up and focus only on your most precious relationship—with your Heavenly Husband. Feed on His Word, and read it as love letters and what He promises to do for you, too.
Beloved, believe! God is Faithful. He is! Much more than having my earthly husband back, it is precious to have my beloved Husband, my Lover! Dear sister, you can have this right now. I lost everything, and everyone in my life, and yet I found happiness, joy unspeakable, love so deep it felt as if my heart would burst. I know it can be the same for you!!
Know that He hears your prayers! Know that every tear is stored up in a bottle. Dear bride, He lives; He loves us; He cares; He protects! Give yourself wholeheartedly to Him. He is wonderful! Enjoy this time in your desert with Him, because He's all sweetness; He's all calming; He's entirely perfect. Beloved Ones discover that the desert is a place of refreshment in the Lord. Thank You! Thank You, my Beloved! I love You! I need more of You than the air I breathe! I do not want to breathe if I do not have You!!!
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