♕ Today's Promise: “The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts.‘ And in this place I will give peace,’ says the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:9

Bella, how did your Restoration Journey actually begin?
My restoration journey began in March. This started when I got the revelation that remarrying is adultery and reconciliation was possible. I did not know how all this would happen because by that time everything was hopeless and things were going from bad to worse. I heard a sound within me that if God could resurrect Lazarus there is nothing dead that cannot come to life. After one Pastor who I believe knew there was a solution came and told me even if the furnace could heat up more than 7 times God would be with me. I looked for solutions on how talking to a number of people but there was no convincing way on how to walk this Journey.
I searched online, joined almost all marriage restoration ministries, reading, praying and trying hard. Praise God, one day I was reading other people's marriage restoration testimonies online and that is where I found Restore Ministries International. Most of my queries about the hope in me were answered. The faith within that marriage restoration was 100% an assurance from God was clarified by RMI through the word of God which was the truth but the beauty about it was that my restoration with God was more important. That is how my restoration journey began.
Aiden, my husband had blocked me everywhere and wanted nothing to do with me and my child. I was left in debt because we were constructing our house and my mum is supervising. I had no savings and I was fired at my workplace at the same time. To live in the country, one needs a visa which is provided by the employer. I was continuously emailing thinking it was the right thing to keep on trying. That time I was praying scripture but praying in my favor and restoration.
Aiden texted me that things would never be the same at that point I did not understand this. I was battling trust issues because Aiden had cheated on me with my friend. We talked about it and I openly told him that trust would be restored slowly. So beginning of March my trust issue led into a fight because I accused him wrongly we exchanged a lot but later as usual I did the apologizing because I love my marriage, things looked okay again until he sent his mother to my parent's home to pick the land title of our land. The big battle started there because all was done behind my back. I later requested my mother to ship the title and I handed everything to Aiden. After he received everything he blocked me everywhere and I never saw him again.
How did God change your situation, Bella, as you sought Him wholeheartedly?
As I sought the Lord, first I was filled with peace and waiting in joy for what He had in store for me. Oh how I love the way God first changed me and I was looking at me (the log in my eye). I realized how I had allowed the enemy into my house. I started being grateful for everything because there was no way I could clearly see myself without first pursuing my First Love. God gave me hope in His word and in dreams.
The entire situation changed, knowing Aiden was trying to contact our daughter and many things were taking place when I focused on my First Love.
I thank God for helping me let go, the day I found out about RMI ministries that same day I had emailed Aiden. I was in the middle of thoughts of whether it was right to continuously contact him or not. Surely I thought my trying to reach him as I pray is where my faith with works is. The day I learned the truth that set me free. I felt all my 5 months of questions I had asked God were answered. A few regrets of terrible mistakes of not zipping it, thinking there was help in the world.
The day I completely let go I started to completely trust God and my language about my situation changed. I started praising God about my marriage, I made space for Aiden in my house and closet everywhere. I felt the peace and freedom.
Days after letting go Aiden called and I still was not anxious and excited, I prayed before I picked up the call. Communication was restored and he unblocked me, but I was still not going ahead of God, watching Him draw Aiden to Himself. Even when I saw a green light, I was not running and going.
I praise God that I managed to let Go and Let God. I was at peace and learning how to be His bride.
What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Bella, did the Lord teach you during this trial?
Letting Go. This principle is what I struggled with to completely Let Go and Let God. Reading How God can and will restore my marriage. I learned many principles from there that I am still learning and applying from God's word.
I was able to learn about letting go backed up with scripture and that when I started my journey in just less than 3 weeks after Aiden called and unblocked me. I got anxious but was able to be on track again. Even right now I am still following the principle of letting go. I make mistakes but I get on track so fast.
What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Bella?
When I was told to stop work, it was so hard for me to really process and understand. I did not want to be angry because I was sure of the victory ahead of me. I screamed to God in a voice that was desperate for Him. One thing I thank God during that season, I trusted less in man and more in God. I was sure if I had God, I have everything. I was scared what would happen next because I had only one month to change status (from company visa to another), the Lord stopped me from even asking for any kind of gratuity but completely looked at Him. I told myself "My help comes from only GOD". I also regretted having told my marriage details after knowing I needed only God and one more person He would send.
Aww I can say My love (God) hugged me so tight in less than a fortnight, He blessed me, I was only cancelled to change status. Overwhelmed with His love. The difficult time became a blessing especially bringing me to a place where I trust God more and I trust no one but everyone with God.
Also, Aiden blessed me with a phone, it was exactly what I needed and without requesting He blessed me. This was after communication was between me and Aiden. Then Aiden called and was very bitter and for the first time he said that I was to give him back the money for the phone.
I was broken but I went to my HH and talked about it all. Early in the morning I was led to ask him if he needed the phone and am ready to give it back. He said yes he needs it and he is coming for it. I let go and gave it back, I erased everything but made sure I had telegram on my laptop so I could continue meeting with the brides. I trusted my HH because He is my hope.
After a while, I praised God that this has happened because I am a phone addict and now I was to hold more of His word and allow Him to guide me every day and lead me in every way. I even realized it's only my HH who gives gifts and doesn't come from them. Brides this all happened when Aiden had now intentionally started to pursue me and wanted to come home. I felt restored already, and he was buying me groceries the past 2 months. It was all going well.
Bella, what was the "turning point” of your restoration?
The turning point was confusing, I was held back to submit my testimony because of the false starts I was experiencing. But the turning point was on father's day where Aiden requested my sister's number in order to start communicating with the child. The communication went on well as I remained silent. It was when our daughter was sick, Aiden called and the call was not even about the child. That was the turning point of the restoration. That is the day our communication was restored with Aiden. I continued applying the principles and he started providing me food. He started pursuing me since then.
Tell us HOW it happened, Bella? Did your husband just walk in the front door? Bella, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?
He called and wanted to come home but all he was saying was that he missed my food, that time he would not come because I had someone in my house who needed help and was vulnerable. He never stopped initiating. It was when he had to bring me a phone that he came home not only to eat the food and get me a phone but to stay. Praise God.
Yes, I did suspect that I was close to being restored. I could feel it. When the Lord gave me a promise from Haggai 2:9. for the latter house would be greater than the former. That assurance could help me tell if the restoration is too close.
Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Bella?
Yes, though I have not yet completed the courses. which I often restart almost every week to let the principle be inaction in my life. I do recommend the courses, I recommend How God can and Will Restore Your Marriage, (which I read until the end). I have just purchased a wise woman who is awesome, Encourager, Psalms and Proverbs, Daily devotions.
Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Bella?
Either way, Bella, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?
I encourage all women to build their house on the rock and that is the Lord. To completely let go and let God. To trust God with the man not trust the man. I encourage women to completely return to their First Love and pursue Him. I also emphasize that women should not tell everyone what is going on because they only need God and one more person God brings.
Finding the abundant life is finding the unspeakable joy in our lives where everything else is worthless and only the Lord is precious to us. Brings us in a state where when crisis comes we do not worry, tremble or run to the world but simply say Lord you are all I want, You are all I need and with You I have everything. These words bring us to a point where the knowledge of Him is instilled deep inside our hearts and that's where unspeakable joy begins when nothing else hurts us no more but we desire His love.
But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 and “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” Philippians 1:6
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
“If you return, Then I will bring you back; You shall stand before Me; If you take out the precious from the vile, You shall be as My mouth. Let them return to you, But you must not return to them." Jeremiah 15:19
“Loved one and friend You have put far from me, And my acquaintances into darkness.” Psalm 88:18
“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void.” Isaiah 55:11
“The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts.‘ And in this place I will give peace,’ says the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:9
Read MORE testimonies in our By the Word of Their Testimony Full Series.