Hello Ladies! Today I hope to encourage you by sharing the third chapter of my Restoration Journey Novel RJN, Washed Seven Times.
Please, go read and then share in the comment section how the Lord talked to your heart:

Hello Ladies! Today I hope to encourage you by sharing the third chapter of my Restoration Journey Novel RJN, Washed Seven Times.
Please, go read and then share in the comment section how the Lord talked to your heart:
Thank you for sharing this beautiful chapter of your Restoration Novel precious Anastasia. For year I would just want other people’s approval and praise and I have to admit even my earthly husband’s approval and praise the most, but I moved on today when I look back I know I moved on dangerous grounds because if I didn’t get it, I would fall into a pit of self pitty and when I got it, it made me think I was on top of the world and it made me arrogant, even towards the other women, which I had to repent about.
I understand you perfectly dear Janice, I felt the same way many times and especially when I was praised I got on the bus of arrogance which quickly led me to fall and be humiliated, however, it was good for me to have been humiliated to know the Truth and to my Heavenly Husband ♥️ Everything worked for good and continues to do so
Wuao acabo de leer los tres capítulos y me identifico mucho, por los elogios recibidos por mi trabajo bien hecho y la confianza de mi jefe en mi, me hicieron sentir orgullo y creerme superior a los demás compañeros, caí en pecado de orgullo y vanidad, cuando realmente soy solo una persona que hace bien su trabajo y me esfuerzo, mi amado lo cambio todo en un instante y me saco de allí de la manera más absurda por mi condición de extranjera jajaja ya que por mi desempeño no era él camino. Otra cosa que hizo click fue lo de que las enfermedades vienen por muchas situaciones, en mi caso afecta mi fertilidad, es algo que mi amado está trabajando en mi. Gracias por compartir 🙏🏻💕
Wow, I just read the three chapters and I identify with it a lot, because of the praise I received for my job well done and my boss’s trust in me, they made me feel proud and believe I was superior to the other colleagues, I fell into the sin of pride and vanity, When I am really just a person who does his job well and makes an effort, my beloved changes everything in an instant and gets me out of there in the most absurd way due to my condition as a foreigner hahaha since due to my performance it was not his way. Another thing that clicked was that illnesses come from many situations, in my case it affects my fertility, it is something that my loved one is working on me. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻💕
Que bueno es que nuestro Esposo dulcemente abra nuestros ojos para identificar nuestras faltas y corregir nuestro rumbo a tomar decisiones sabias que nos dirijan por el camino estrecho que conduce a la vida. En cuanto termine de leerte El me recordó esta promesa para ti:
“No habrá mujer que aborte, ni estéril en tu tierra; y yo completaré el número de tus días.” Éxodo 23:26
How good it is that our Husband gently opens our eyes to identify our faults and correct our course to make wise decisions that direct us along the narrow path that leads to life. As soon as I finished reading He reminded me of this promise to you:
“There will be no woman who aborts, nor barren in your land; and I will complete the number of your days.” Exodus 23:26