Has GOD has blessed you with the ability to speak,
to read a second or third language?

Prayerfully Seek God to know if He led you here to become a
ā­ Translation Minister ā­

There is nothing more rewarding or life-changing than using your God-given talent and passion to help others by translating or proofreading our books, free courses, and websites ā€”reaching out around the worldā€”encouraging women and men! There is nothing so rewarding than to know you've allowed God to use you to bring hope and love to the hurting.

We need translators, proofreaders, narrators, along with help formatting our books and building our websites. Working @ homeā€” potentially freeing you from your workplace! Being aĀ Workers@HomeĀ while doing God's work, is beyond rewarding!

Who knows? GOD KNOWS if this is how you meet a life-longĀ ePartner

Be sure to READ the wonderful testimony about Abina and Mira, who met and became lifelong friends andĀ ePartnersĀ while translating our resources.

Why not YOU?

ā€œI see very clearly that God shows no favoritism."Ā Acts 10:34

What He does for others, He'll surely do for YOU!

Our Books, Our Websites, Our Ministries Are Being Translated by
Amazing Women and Men Worldwide

"I am the vine, you are theĀ branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." J155

Marriage Help

Ā EnglishĀ ā€¢Ā Ā EspaƱolĀ ā€¢Ā Ā PortuguĆŖsĀ ā€¢Ā Ā FranƧaisĀ ā€¢Ā Ā SlovenskĆ½Ā ā€¢Ā Ā AfrikaansĀ ā€¢Ā Ā Tagalog ā€¢ Ā Nederlands
ā€¢Ā Ā TĆ¼rkƧeĀ ā€¢Ā Ā PolskiĀ ā€¢Ā Ā Italiano ā€¢Ā Ā ę—„ęœ¬äŗŗĀ ā€¢Ā šŸ‡øšŸ‡ŖĀ Swedish ā€¢ šŸ‡­šŸ‡° Chinese ā€¢ šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ Japanese ā€¢ šŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗĀ Russian ā€¢ šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ GermanĀ 

Restore Ministries International

Ā EnglishĀ ā€¢Ā Ā EspaƱolĀ ā€¢Ā Ā PortuguĆŖsĀ ā€¢Ā Ā FranƧaisĀ ā€¢Ā Ā SlovenskĆ½Ā ā€¢Ā Ā AfrikaansĀ ā€¢Ā Ā Tagalog ā€¢ Ā Nederlands
ā€¢Ā Ā TĆ¼rkƧeĀ ā€¢Ā Ā PolskiĀ ā€¢Ā Ā ItalianoĀ ā€¢Ā Ā Ā ę—„ęœ¬äŗŗĀ ā€¢Ā šŸ‡øšŸ‡ŖĀ Swedish šŸ‡­šŸ‡° Chinese ā€¢ šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ Japanese ā€¢ šŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗĀ Russian ā€¢ šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ GermanĀ 

Take a look at the languages we already have (above) and imagine yourself simply reading a sentence in English and writing it in your own language. For all our Bible verses (and that's what makes up MOST of our books and courses) we simply copy and paste from one of MANY Bible websites! Are you concerned that you're not good enough? Well, 99% of all our translators felt the same wayā€”because it's yourĀ šŸ’–HEART God plans to use!

If you see your language, join the other translators and share the workā€”together!

We are even more excited if you don't see your languageĀ šŸ¤©Ā It means we are about to grow another branch!!!

"After this, I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, fromĀ every nation and tribe and people and language,
standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb."

Begin this amazing life-changing journey by filling out thisĀ short applicationā€”giving us the opportunity to get to know you and find the perfect fit.Ā 1 Corinthians 12:12-31Ā 2Timonthy 2:20-21

Don't waitā€”this is your Divine Appointment...

Prayerfully Consider Becoming a ā­ Translation Minister ā­!

We are here because all of us were so impacted by what weā€™ve learned, that we need to share with others who are suffering, who lack understanding about what God says in His Word.

ā€œGo intoĀ all the worldĀ and spread the GOOD NEWS to all creation.ā€ ā€”Mark 16:15

The Translation Ministers are women and men who dedicate their time to invest and sow in the kingdom of Godā€”blessing others who canā€™t read English. They are housewives, teachers, lawyers, uber drivers, businesswomenā€”different professions, different cultures, different languagesā€”but each one of them are using their God-given talents and gifts for the building of His church.

We are blessed to be able to use a built-in translator on our websites so every language can benefit. However to get the full meaning and a full power weā€™ve asked the Lord to send us women and men to carefully translate each chapter and then another to proofread that itā€™s accurate.

ā€œAs each one has received a special gift,
employ it in serving one another as good stewards
of the manifold grace of God.ā€
ā€”1 Peter 4:10

Each of our translators and proofreaders is part of our RMIOU Student šŸŽ“ Bodyā€”staying connected and encouraging each other in šŸ’žSmall Groups and through Fellowships.

Use your God-given talent and passion to help others by helping to translate or proofread our free courses, our books, and website ā€”to encourage women and men around the world! There is nothing so rewarding than to know you've played a part in bringing hope and love to the hurting.

We would LOVE to work with you and have you part of our Team! You do NOT need any prior training or any moreĀ educationā€”just aĀ šŸ’ heart that's His! If you haven't already done so, take a moment to read and hear from a few of our ā­ Translation Ministers ā­.


Still Not Sure?

Are you still not sure if you have the time or the ability to help translate for RMI? Take a moment to read a bit more about the process and also from a few former translators, some of whom have moved on to continue translating professionally after their training here.
First, most of our books and lessons are primarily Bible verses, which we don't translate. Instead, we simply choose one of theĀ Bible translations from a website, meaning it's simply a matter of copying and pasting.
Secondly, our previous Minister, Lota, who previously headed up our Spanish Team, came here offering to help translate. The problem was Spanish was Lota's second language that she spoke well but was insecure about writing. Nevertheless, she stepped out and offered. Not only did God use her, but the Spanish Team is one of our largest Ministry Teams!
If this doesn't help to ease your misgivings, please take a minute to read a few testimonies from our previous Translation Ministers:

Amalia:Ā Hearing about Janet's concern about translating for Russian, reminded me of a time when i ā€œfelt ledā€ to translate the RYM intoĀ Slovakian. And it was the desire of my heart to translate the courses too, but didnā€™t have the courage to ask about it. But the day I told the Lord about my desire, the same day someone from this wonderful ministry offered me, if I would like to translate the courses šŸ™‚ The Lord is so wonderful and amazing and everything !!

I have to say that this was the best time of my restoration journey ever when I was translating RYM and Wise Woman, I had the principles right in front of my eyes now and deep in my heart. I hope that you will follow His calling and you will experience the same happiness, the same closeness and better understanding of all principles which are changing our lives. Because nothing is better than to read it in our mother language.

Joy:Ā Ā I am praising the Lord with you all!! One more language to spread His truths! I agree, I was encouraged too when it reminded me of the time I was thinking about volunteering to translate forĀ Tagalog. I didnā€™t think I could do it. I had doubts and fears!! I remember the day I volunteered, I just received news that subtitles would be added to the videos. Despite my fears, I felt this urge to volunteer. When I did, once I obeyed, the fears were replaced!! I was then filled with this joy and excitement that I was doing the right thing and doing it for Him!! So, I believe that once you start translating for usā€”He will make a way for you to have the time. šŸ™‚

Mercy: When I did the free lessons the Ministry provides I thought that I had learned so many things about God's Word that I never knew. Then when I started translating I was re-doing those lessons in essence even though I was not journalling. a Dear friend of mine (who has been going to church for 30 years) remarked at my knowledge of the Word. This is by far the best job in the world and I want to thank my HH for entrusting this to me. And also want to give thanks to the wonderful team He has blessed me with. They are all my Prayer Partners God bless each and every one of you.

Sara: When I came to the Ministry, the Lord laid so strong in my heart the desire to join the translation team and get these resources available into Turkish. I was shocked, Turkish is not my first, second, or third language, but in my weakness, He showed His power. I confess that it was not easy, but in doing so, He was preparing me for the Ministry that I had no idea He was calling me to. Today I can rejoice to see that He used my life and all the crises that happened to bring His word to a country and people that never heard about Him! These are the GOOD News that he commanded us to share with Everybody!!

If you're not sure if you have the time or the ability to help translate for RMI simply TRUST the Lord to use you.

ā€œNow in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of wood and of earthenware,
and some to honor and some to dishonor. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things,
he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.
Now flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith,
love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.ā€
ā€”2 Timothy 2:20-22

Become a ā­Translation Minister ā­

Click here to enroll at RMIOU as a
ā­Translation Minister ā­