RYR16Verbal vomiting

'Lord, set a guard over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.'
Psalm 141:3


This lesson can be divided into two parts. Before my Journey, I was that woman who spoke badly, who would not keep quiet when someone said something to me. I did so many things wrong by using verbal vomit. And I am not making excuses, but I have experienced it since I was a child, I have always seen that in my family. Of course, because I was far from the Truth, because I believed I was always right, and I believed I was better than others.
Then the second part, on this Journey, I have received so many humiliations, words that cause a lot of pain, and that verbal vomit still arises from my family members. And I know that what I have learned and the wisdom that my Beloved has shown me through all the resources of the Ministry, are what help me to keep quiet, to not say anything. And as the lesson says, I know that those people, who love me, who I love, have a lot of pain from their own past, wounds that never healed.
Sometimes it is very hard to hear what they say, but I know that the Lord is my strength, and that I stand up for Him and for Him.
People do not understand what we go through, because they certainly have not lived it, and they just talk without thinking, believing that our feelings are like a dress, that you just take it and throw it away and put on a new one.
Thanks to the Lord, who gives us wisdom, that we are learning that the only thing that matters is His truth, and that those darts of the enemy cannot reach our hearts, because we are full of joy, because we are being transformed from glory to glory by the Best Doctor.https://loveatlast.org/ryr/c16/

3 thoughts on “RYR16Verbal vomiting”

  1. When I read your PR and the lesson they both remind me also of me before RMI I was sooo mean, and had always a lot of verbal vomit for others I thank God for this lesson that is teaching me much but I also ask Him for protection over my mouth and the words that come from them that they me be encouraging

  2. Thank you for sharing dear Liza. I agree with Jewel, I was also so bad before RMI, I had a sly tongue and I used to deeply hurt the people who hurt me with it, I made very harsh, critical and personal comments. Thanks to my Beloved who has transformed me and helped me to have a sweeter tongue now. I love what you say at the end, that those darts can no longer reach your heart, that is very true, I have lived it many times, when He has prepared us and taught us the truth no matter what they say it can no longer hurt us!! His love and truth are our protective shield, I believe that is what the shield of faith refers to, when we believe in what He tells us the darts cannot harm us.

  3. Hello Liza,

    Before coming to RMI, I was also that woman who, at times, hurt others with my words, without realizing how much I could impact those around me. Today, I give thanks to our Beloved, for I believe He brought us here to empty our vessels that were filled with our own reasoning and will. This change, I know, is something only He can bring about in us. As Erin said in one of her life lessons: “Without Him, we can do nothing.”

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