๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ™Œ Saturday Thankfulness ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’—

Precious dearest bride, I want to encourage you to please come here every Saturday to share three things you are thankful for, related to the past week. This is how we make it a habit to be thankful, which is of course life-changing and how we honor, our precious sweet Lord, who deserves all the glory.

"Rejoice always,ย pray continually,ย give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Godโ€™s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1T516

"Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me,ย and to the blameless I will show my salvation.โ€ P5023

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."ย C42

Also read: Thankfulness Therapy

17 thoughts on “๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ™Œ Saturday Thankfulness ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’—”

  1. I am thankful it was my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary the past week and that our loving Lord kept my dad alive with the stroke he had and that they were able to celebrate it together. I am thankful that I live with my parents and that our loving Lord is healing all the hurt I caused with my rebellion years ago. This week I received extra money in my account and I am so thankful for that and so very grateful that the Lord supplies more than I need.

    1. O Wow Janine! Thank you for sharing how blessed you are and how your Beloved is taking care of you and your parents!

  2. I am thankful to be able to spend some alone time with my Husband while the children are away. Even though I am feeling a little unwell, He is using that to have me just rest in Him and for that, I am very thankful. I am thankful for RMI and everything learn here.

    1. Thank you Yvonne, it’s amazing to have some alone time with your Husband, and although you are not feeling well, He will use it for good and it’s just such a wonderful time to be still and know….

  3. je suis reconnaissant pour la grรขce de Dieu en 2023. il a ouvert des portes pour moi au moment oรน je m’y attendais pas.
    j’ai obtenu ma mutation professionnelle, depuis 2 mois j’ai mon propre logement avec mes deux enfants.
    et enfin aprรจs deux de sรฉparation, mon รฉpoux terrestre a รฉtรฉ ร  nos cรดtรฉs pour les fรชtes.
    les enfants ont passรฉ Noรซl avec lui et le 31 dรฉcembre, nous รฉtions tous les 4 rรฉunis pour le dernier repas de l’annรฉe.
    Gloire ร  Dieu. je lui fais confiance pour la suite.
    Dieu est fidรจle

    I’m grateful for God’s grace in 2023. He opened doors for me when I didn’t expect it.
    I obtained my professional transfer, for 2 months I have had my own accommodation with my two children.
    and finally after two separations, my earthly husband was by our side for the holidays.
    the children spent Christmas with him and on December 31, all 4 of us gathered for the last meal of the year.
    Glory to God. I trust him for the future.
    God is faithful

    1. Wow thank you for sharing how He blessed you Lily! He worked everything out for you,and blessed you with a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

  4. I am thankful for having my children with me this week after they’ve been on holiday with their dad for 2 weeks. I am thankful for the new year and the new blessings we are going to receive. I am thankful that the first quarter of homeschooling is paid. I am thankful for having everything we need, health and most of all; I am thankful for my Heavenly Husband and His amazing love for us!

  5. Estoy agradecida por compartir una navidad con mi familia de origen ( mรกs de 10 aรฑos sin compartirla con todos juntos en mi ciudad natal)
    Estoy agradecida porque mi amado esposo, hizo caer nieve del cielo estando allรก y nos concediรณ el deseo de nuestro corazรณn a mis pequeรฑos de conocer y a todos de jugar en la nieve. Lo aprecie mucho, el sabe que me encanta la nieve.
    Estoy agradecida porque, aunque enfermamos todos de un virus estomacal, estuvimos completamente recuperados para el dia que viajamos de regreso a casa en un viaje largo y cansado, todo fluyo.
    I’m grateful to share a Christmas with my family of origin (more than 10 years without sharing it with everyone together in my hometown)
    I’m grateful because my beloved husband, I now fall in the sky while I’m there and grants us the desire of our heart to my little ones to know and to everyone to play in the snow. I appreciate it so much, he knows he loves me there.
    I am grateful because, even though we were all sick with a stomach virus, we were completely recovered for the day we traveled back home on a long and tired trip, all flowing.

  6. yo estoy agradecida con mi EC por su amor y ayuda incondicional, gracias por mis hijos y mi nieto, gracias por este gran ministerio y permitir pertenecer aquรญ, gracias por escuchar mis oraciones ๐Ÿ™Œ y gracias por mis compaรฑeras de oraciรณn que รฉl me ha dado y nos podemos reunir cada LUNES para orar, estudiar la palabra y el libro UNA MUJER SABรA ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œโค๏ธ
    I am grateful to my eh for his unconditional love and help, grateful for my children and my children, grateful for this great ministry and allowing me to belong here, grateful for listening to my prayers ๐Ÿ™Œ and grateful for my prayer partners who have given me we can gather every night to pray, study the word and the book A WISE WOMAN ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œโค๏ธ

  7. I am thankful for having this opportunity to be thankful and share here with you ladiesโฃ๏ธ
    I am thankful for having my family – ancient parents and ilness sister – together for the festive season – there were different battles before Christmas and I was wondering how we were supposed to celebrate as we had so many querrels, tears and misunsderstanding… but HE made a way, a path on the desert and we had a peaceful and warmful nights of Christmas Eve and New Year โœจ I am still in awe of how I experienced His title “Prince of Peace” in these special days โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ

  8. Iโ€™m so thankful for the beautiful women my Husband has given me to share my life with!
    Iโ€™m thankful that He brought my daughter home to Texas from North Carolina to live with me for a time. He is doing som many great things in us!
    And I am thankful for my Husbandโ€™s incredible provision this year. He called me into a new career, and provided opportunity after opportunity for me to learn, be successful and provide for us. He never stops loving. He never stops giving. He never stops providing. And I will be forever grateful for my one true Love.

  9. I am thankful that I am growing everyday in the Lord.
    I am thankful for being able to rest in Him.
    I am thankful for this ministry that has served an instrumental role for me to repent and turn to Him.
    I am thankful for my earthly family – blessings from the Lord.

  10. Je suis reconnaissant car le 2 janvier je me suis rรฉconcilier avec mon papa par la grรขce de Dieu.
    Je bรฉnis l’Eternel pour tous ses bienfaits.

    I am grateful because on January 2nd I was reconciled with my dad by the grace of God.
    I bless the Lord for all his blessings.

  11. I am so grateful for my mother’s health. She has been the only parent in my life and has always been there for me. I am so thankful that she is still with me and that I can enjoy her company.

    I am so grateful for my three boys. I am so thankful for the joy and laughter they bring into my life.

    I am so thankful for the answered prayers that I have forgotten about and He has reminded me again lately. These prayers have shown me that He is always listening and that He answers our prayers in His own way and time.

    I am so thankful for the Lord’s forgiveness. I have made many mistakes in my life, but I am so thankful that the He has forgiven me and that I can have an intimate relationship with Him. ๐Ÿ’•

  12. He is good!!
    I am grateful for my Beloved leading me to go through a โ€˜cleansingโ€™ session- specifically from past abuse.
    (In my teens).
    Holy Spirit washes away all impurities!
    Also thankful that my children are healthy and that my Beloved supplies all my needs!

  13. I am grateful to my Beloved because this was a week that He provided a financial blessing so that I could buy my daughter’s school books, which she and I were praying to Him to give us. We still have the material (notebooks, pencils and some other items), but I believe I will come here on another Saturday to thank you for this provision too.๐Ÿ™Œโค๏ธ

  14. Wow! I loved reading this post!! ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ
    I am so grateful, for the last year! All the blessings I received from my Heavenly Husband! I am amazed by the way He cares for me… Today I want to praise my Love because He let me travel to visit my family and enjoy time with all the people I love. He is amazing!!

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