Sharing One Heart

β€œChildren are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭127‬:‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬


This is something so dear to my heart and something I learned at this ministry, the fruit of the womb. Ever since learning how children are a blessing and a reward, I began to have the desire to stay home and homeschool my one daughter at the time. My Beloved Lord then blessed me with two more babies right away after my marriage was restored and shortly after I was able to stay home full time. Now my desire is to have more children, but my spouse hasn’t felt the same due to all the reasons the world says why we shouldn’t continue to have more children. I have remained quiet for the most part on this issue. However, I can now see my Beloved Lord is changing his heart and working on one thing at a time.

Yesterday was a tough day because my spouse turned down a very good job because it would require him to be away from home and our family for weeks at a time. He said he couldn’t be away from his family for that long and he loves us too much to risk hurting our family. Then last night he told me that it wouldn’t actually be a bad thing if we had another child now because if it’s meant to happen it will happen and it would be a good thing. I was so shocked because he has never said anything like that before. He is more focused on our family’s happiness versus us having a big house and lots of money.

Even though my spouse is now unemployed, I see my Beloved Lord turning my spouse ’s heart back to our children and hopefully our future children. I know what the world would say about all of this, but I am so thankful that my Beloved Lord is helping us both to focus on more important things rather than earthly things. We are also sharing the same heart now when it comes to our family and the importance of it. I know the Lord is working and He can take care of all our needs and the desires of our hearts. I am choosing to praise Him at this moment instead of focusing on the negative. He will restore what is lost and replace it with something even better, I have no doubt in that.

β€œHis preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise I will come and strike the land with a curse.””
‭‭Malachi‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

β€œNow be fruitful and multiply, and repopulate the earth.””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭9‬:‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

6 thoughts on “Sharing One Heart”

  1. Hello precious elda… Congratulations. Our beloved has given us this grace to be able to bear children. I have three boys and I knew that God had blessed me with sons but because of my lack of knowledge I unfortunately had an operation so that I wouldn’t have any more.
    I wanted so much to have a little girl but I thought to myself if Sarah at her age, when she was in menopause, she had a child. Can’t our beloved one day reverse the situation?

    He is the God of the impossible…

  2. It’s wonderful to hear that God is changing your husband’s heart. It seems like He’s inspiring him to prioritize happiness over material things. Your choice to homeschool your children and recognize them as blessings shows how God is working through you. I’m sure this is planting seeds of faith in your husband’s heart. Keep praising God and trusting in His plan.

  3. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise report precious Elda. I just love what our Darling Lord does!!! He will for sure restore what was lost. I just love Him!!!

  4. “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord;
    He turns it wherever He pleases.” P211

    Dear Elda, our Beloved has His wonderful ways of working in each one of us and guiding us along the path we walk. Like you, my eyes were opened to the pure truth when I met the Word of God made into a verb, when I met my Heavenly Husband during my trials. Without a doubt, the lessons opened my eyes and following them with obedience, surrendering my pride and understanding to His, allowed me to see Him revealing Himself in my life. It is wonderful to see once again that He is faithful and turns the hearts of spouses in the direction He desires according to His will. I am very happy for you!! πŸ₯³ May your family grow more and more, dear!!

  5. So goood my sweet Elda. Children are a huge blessing and we are doing a great job because we are looking for Him to guide us in our motherhood journey. Motherhood is a profession, and we must study His word to become the wise mother, wife, friend, that He wants us to be. May The Lord continue to bless your beautiful family and provide supernaturally for you ✨β™₯️

  6. ‘ ‘The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord like channels of water; He directs it wherever He pleases. ‘
    Proverbs 21:1
    Dear Elda, thank you for sharing this praise, where the Lord is moving your hearts, and He will give you many blessings. Also for your silence and obedience, He will reward you. And remember that Our Beloved will provide and at some point that job will come for your husband, without moving away from the family.
    The Lord is always faithful.

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