Sharing Our Beloved and RMI With Our Adult Children

"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:6

Last week, I did a 3 day fast and prayed for 2 of my sons (ages 20 & 25). Praise to my Beloved and to this ministry that I am able to talk with them about their Lord and introduce them to the Only One they need. If I can help others, especially my children, then all I've gone through is worth it.

One is going through a breakup with his girlfriend. My son was very hurt by things that she said to him and about him. As he told me about the situation, I saw a lot of the old contentious, needy and unsatisfied women I used to be in her. I obviously didn't want this type of relationship for him or any of my kids. The great thing is, after several talks about it and encouraging him to seek God for His truth, he did see his mistakes and repented. I explained how it's important to restore our relationship with our Lord. Humility and repentance are the first thing that needs to happen. He will reveal to us how He sees us and the situation, and the words of others will not hurt our hearts anymore. We had several conversations about all I've learned here at RMI. Restoring ourselves to Him, humility, repentance, trusting Him and His promises and letting go. He said he wanted to know from me because he knows I've been through a lot of hurt; he sees my transformation and how I've found peace and joy. During my fasting and praying he woke up one the morning and said he feels that a tie had been broken and he feels freer from that relationship and from the hurt.

The other son is dealing with a cousin accusing him of things and talking bad about him to others in the family. We had a wedding in our family that we all would be attending and some cousins told him before hand what was being said and some family members are choosing not to have a relationship with him. This hurt him tremendously and was worried that he would be shunned, hurt or even verbally attacked at the wedding. The bride and groom reassured him that they absolutely wanted him to attend, and he should ignore everyone else. I've been able to speak about what I've learned here at RMI with him also. How I learned not to be angry, not to return evil for evil and he doesn't have to defend himself to others, the Lord fights on our behalf. Whoever chooses to have a conversation and a relationship with him then leave it to the Lord to choose who will stay in our lives and who He wants to remove from our lives. Trusting that our Lord knows how to restore relationships. We just have to leave it to him. Again, asking Him to reveal His truth on how He sees you and the situation.

At the wedding the troubled family member did not attend, and the majority of our family were very loving. We had so much fun. My son saw he had nothing to worry about, he felt loved and accepted regardless of the ones who were holding on to their judgements and listening to gossip. Instead of making my son, myself and my kids the outsiders, they actually ended up secluding themself and made themselves the outsiders by their own behavior. We had a great time with our family! And what was also amazing is during my fast my son was watching something on TV about the life of our Lord and Savior. He didn't want to watch with me when it first came out years ago but he suddenly sat in the living room and turned it on and said he got hooked on watching episode after episode the other night and wanted to continue watching all seasons. This is a huge step for this son, to show this in front of others. I'm amazed!!

Hallelujah!! My sons are seeking the Lord and want to know Who He is!!! They've also opened their Bibles and wanted to know His Word!! \o/

I've also shared the link to My Beloved Daily Devotional and the daily Psalms & Proverbs. I found that a lot of what we talked about was the same to both sons in each of their different situations. Just telling them about my Beloved and how to get closer to him. Because He is the same yesterday, today and always. He loves us unconditionally and all that we need we receive from Him not others. He is the only One we need in our lives and the only relationship we need to restore is with Him. People will leave us but He is always with us and will never leave us. He is for us and not against us. He is faithful and His promises are true. πŸ’

2 thoughts on “Sharing Our Beloved and RMI With Our Adult Children”

  1. Thank you for sharing Ruby. What a wonderful praise you have shared about your sons. It was encouraging to see all that you have learned through your trials be used to help encourage your sons to have a relationship with Him.

  2. Β»All your children will be taught by the Lord, And great will be the welfare of your children. ‘
    Isaiah 54:13
    Ruby, I love your testimony, and how Our Beloved, not only loves us, but protects our children. And I know that He will enter their hearts, and they will be filled with so much blessing. May Our Lord continue to give you the wisdom to lead them to HIM because what a great happiness to know that our children walk in His Truth. Thank you for sharing,

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